Mbalducc Week 15
From LMU BioDB 2017
Electronic Notebook
- This week, I checked with Dr. Dahlquist to make sure that my Gene Regulation data was good to be put into a weighted model in GRNsight.
- I also uploaded all of my current deliverables onto the Page Desiigner Deliverables Page.
- Ran my files through MatLab to obtain an output file to load into GRNsight to that weights and expression changes could be viewed in the GRNmap.
I worked with the other members of the Data Analysis: Antonio Porras, Dina Bashoura, and Emma Tyrnauer on this assignment. We spoke in class and over text about what we needed to do for the project.
LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 15 Retrieved December 7, 2017, from