Bhamilton18 Week 9

From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 01:30, 30 October 2017 by Bhamilton18 (talk | contribs) (Two tests and acknowledgments added)
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Hands-On with GRNsight

  1. We worked on the Gray Threshold + Zoom portion of the GRNsight Beta version.
  2. Tests found: Gray Threshold + Zoom
  3. Test 1
    • Expected: GRNsight should lay out a network graph from the Excel workbook if there are no errors in the file
    • Occurred: The file was unable to load, and an error message was displayed. The error message stated: "Your graph failed to load. Unable to read input. The file may be corrupt."
  4. Test 2
    • Expected: GRNsight should lay out a network graph from the SIF file if there are no errors in the file
    • Occurred:


  1. I worked with my partner Emma Tyrnauer on this assignment.
  2. Utilized this, (Gray Threshold + Zoom) document, in order to complete our detailed GRNsight beta testing.
  3. We used three separate documents: Excel workbook (.xlsx), SIF (.sif) and GraphML (.graphml) files. These files were obtained from from this web page. The three different files that were chosen from the website were as follows:
    • 21-genes_31-edges_Schade-data_input.xlsx
    • 21-genes_31-edges_Schade-data_estimation_output.sif
    • 21-genes_31-edges_Schade-data_estimation_output_unweighted.graphml
  4. While I worked with the people noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.


LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 9. Retrieved October 24, 2017, from

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