
From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 01:15, 25 September 2017 by Hhinsch (talk | contribs) (changed the name of the favorite gene html zip file)
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Address: 1 Lmu Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045 United States

Hayden Hinsch

Hayden Tom Hinsch


Major: Pre-medical/Psychology
Expected Graduation: May 2020

Upper Division Courses

  • Biologival Databases(BIOL/CMSI 367-01)
  • Psychological Research Methods(PSYC-2002-01)
  • The Good Life(PHIL-3100-05/06)
  • God and The Human Experience(THST-3236-02)
  • Leadership Seminar I (EDLA-489-06)

Career Interests and Goals


  1. I hope to obtain my MD and work as a Psychiatrist who practices therapy. I am working towards entering a Marriage and Family Therapy program, then applying to medical school.


  1. Graduate with my Bachelors in Psychology and my Pre-medical requisites completed.
  2. Improve my mind, body, and soul on a daily basis.

Work Experience

Sunlife Organics

  • Position Held: Manager February 2017-Present
    • Organize and delegate employee tasks.
    • Manage weekly produce and bulk supplement orders.
    • Facilitate a healthy and accountable work environment for employees.
    • Continually assist in recruiting potential employees.

The Portofino Hotel and Marina

  • Position Held: Valet/Bellman/Concierge May 2014-February 2017
    • Created and managed a concierge program tailored to guests.
    • Valeted vehicles and performed bell services while fostering positive and courteous guest relations.
    • Served as a stand-by front desk agent.

El Camino College

  • Position Held: Student Ambassador July 2016-December 2017
    • Assisted students in obtaining financial aid.
    • Performed campus tours.
    • Represented El Camino at various college fairs.
    • Assisted students with various inquiries at the information desk.

New Life House Recovery Home for Young Men

  • Position Held: House Manager August 2015-October 2015
    • Held various extra curricular activities for adolescents struggling with substance abuse.
    • Served as a mentor for adolescents struggling with substance abuse.
    • Organized resident adolescent’s transportation and work schedules.
    • Served as a behavioral analyst of resident adolescents.


  • Below is a link to my ongoing Resume.


Personal Interests/Hobbies

  • I enjoy anything that has to do with the ocean. I try to jump in the ocean(or some body of water if I'm not near the ocean) at least once a day. It helps me to relax and not take things so seriously.
  • I also enjoy learning new things, I'm currently teaching myself how to play the Soprano Saxophone.
  • It's difficult to list my hobbies; there are lots of them. I'd have to say that most of my life is filled with hobbies. Whether or not I classify them as hobbies on any given day usually has to do with the particular mood I'm in. I work out as a hobby, but I don't necessarily always want to.
  • I also think Will Ferrell is hilarious.
Will Ferrell

What is my favorite aspect of biology and why?

  • I love obtaining a deeper understanding of the subtleties of life. Biology helps me slow down and realize how much is really going on around me at all times!

What is my favorite aspect of computer science and why?

  • Computer Science studies a whole other world of existence that I interact with everyday while rarely ever realizing its existence or acknowledging the amount of knowledge that goes into making my life easier.


  1. I worked with Blair Hamilton through text communication on multiple occasions in order to collaborate ideas regarding our user pages. I also looked at Blair's Page in order to find out how to produce an image on the top right corner of my user page.
  2. I directly utilized Quinn Lanners' format for the table of contents on my user page.
  3. The Week 1 assignment page for linking pages.
  4. The Week 1 assignment page for creating titles.
  5. The Week 1 assignment page for creating categories.
  6. This [Wiki] page for creating new pages and a web address.

While I worked with the people noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.Hhinsch (talk) 23:20, 4 September 2017 (PDT)


LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 1. Retrieved August 29, 2017, from

Helpful Links


Hayden and Zach's Favorite Gene HTML File

My Template


Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 14
Week 15

Hayden's Individual Journal Entries

hhinsch Week 1
hhinsch Week 2
hhinsch Week 3
hhinsch Week 4
hhinsch Week 5
hhinsch Week 6
hhinsch Week 7
hhinsch Week 8
hhinsch Week 9
hhinsch Week 10
hhinsch Week 11
hhinsch Week 12
hhinsch Week 14
hhinsch Week 15
Page Desiigner Deliverables Page

Class Journal Entries

Class Journal Week 1
Class Journal Week 2
Class Journal Week 3
Class Journal Week 4
Class Journal Week 5
Class Journal Week 6
Class Journal Week 7
Class Journal Week 8
Class Journal Week 9
Class Journal Week 10
Page Desiigner

Electronic Notebook

Hhinsch Electronic Notebook

Hayden's User Page

Hayden Hinsch