Class Journal Week 1
[hide]Zach Van Ysseldyk's Responses
Before Reading the Denning Articles
- I think computer science is the science of formulating efficient and logical algorithms in order to complete a defined task. On an extremely broad scope, I think computer science is simply the science of how computation works.
- I think that other people may think of computer science as those hackers looking at computers with 0's and 1's filling the screen. I think others may have a very "media" like interpretation when they think of computer science.
- When my younger relatives think of computer science, I think that the first thing that comes to their minds are video games. I think that a lot of my younger relatives mesh graphics and actual coding together.
Before Reading the Janovy Chapter
- When I think of biology, I think of how organisms work. Really the study of anything that is living.
- I don't really consider myself a biologist by my definition because I am not actively studying any living thing.
After Reading the Denning articles and Janovy Chapter
- I think the purposes for these readings is for us to better understand what computer science and biology really is. I think that for this class to succeed, the very first thing that we should do is define our terms - especially when it comes to the very subject that we are studying.
- I find the computational thinker as the most appealing "voice." Solving problems cuts across all subjects at any level. It does interest me to think about how to solve problems using very different approaches - a skill that is very important in the computer science field. I can use the skills learned in various classes and apply them to different subjects.
- The principle of automation I believe very directly correlates with macroeconomic trends. Finding patterns with various correlations can be used to accurately forecast future economic events.
- I found the concept that true biologists find interdependency with pretty much everything especially provocative and thought provoking. I found myself thinking of the "butterfly effect" and how one change to the biological tree can effect almost everything else either directly or indirectly. Furthermore, according to the article, biologists go a step further to analyze and make observations on the relationships found.
- After reading the article, I see a biologist as someone who "makes some kind of original observation of nature and meld them into a synthesis of understanding." By this definition, I do not see myself as a biologist for one main reason. That being that I do not believe that I have made an original observation. I think that I have made observations that nobody has explicitly told me, however I do not believe that I was the first one to make that observation. For example: tree's leaves fall in Fall. I do believe that I have synthesized a fair amount of observations into understandings, however again, I have not made an original observation therefore my synthesis of observation is also not original.
BIOL/CMSI 367-01: Biological Databases Fall 2017
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Zvanysse (talk) 14:02, 2 September 2017 (PDT)
Blair Hamilton's Response
Before reading the Denning articles
- When you hear the term computer science, what comes to mind?
- When I think about computer science the first thing I think about it coding. Coding something very cool, like an app or website, to which everyday people can use and benefit from.
- When older relatives or friends hear the term computer science, what do you think comes to their minds?
- Friends and family probably believe computer science is a scary word for strange "nerds" who sit in dark rooms coding apps or hacking into secret data.
- When younger relatives or friends hear the term computer science, what do you think comes to their minds?
- Younger relatives and friends probably believe computer science is the reason why their mom or dads iPhone is so fun, or they would only understand computer and science as individual concepts.
Before reading the Janovy chapter
- When you hear the term biology, what comes to mind?
- When I think of Biology I think of life. Biology is the study of things that are living around us, in which there is a variation of complex components within each system.
- Do you consider yourself a biologist? why or why not?
- No, I would consider myself a mathematician. Rather than focusing on living beings, I focus on numbers and ways to utilize those numbers to benefit others around me.
After reading the Denning articles and the Janovy chapter
- What was the purpose of these readings?
- These readings allowed for a deeper understanding of computer science and biology. Computer Science is made up of different fields, ideas and parts, such as math, users and engineers. While biology explains the importance of understanding the world around us.
- Which of the voices in the Voices of Computing article seem to appeal to you the most?
- Being a math major, I would say the mathematics voice appealed to me the most. One of the best things about math is its ability to be applied to anything and everything and make a huge impact. For example, in hospitals math is constantly used to decide correct doses, or for businesses what equation is the fastest way to find their return on investment. Mr. Denning describes math perfectly when he says "I love mathematics. I know mathematics sounds pretty abstract to a lot of people. It’s not for everyone." This is the epitome of being a math major and having to explain why you chose to dedicate your life to numbers and proofs. Although choosing a subject "not for everyone" the ability to be fluent in a universal language is unparalleled to any other academia.
- Apply one of the seven principles from the Computing is a Natural Science article to something as "non-computer-science"-y as possible, either from other subjects or your daily life.
- The Search or Automation principle can be applied to the idea of Sorority recruitment. As a potential new member, someone can be provided with lots of information such as sorority life, philanthropies, sisterhood and numbers like dues or national chapters. Being able to take in this information and condense it into an organized list of pros and cons, likes and dislikes with any sorority allow a new member to find a pattern that align best with their values and/or goals.
- What did you find most interesting or provocative about the Janovy reading?
- Janovy discusses the idea that social climate is an important factor no matter the time period, including during Darwin's time. The idea that not only are biologists worried about learning and discovering new beings, diseases, cures, etc. but also need to account for outside forces, such as politics or religion. Janovy describes how although biology is described as a neutral field of study, outside forces always affect the outcome. For example, although medicine is quite advanced it's ability to adjust and/or predict modern medical calamities is insufficient and therefore requires social climate to allow it to progress.
- What does it mean to be a biologist? Do you consider yourself a biologist? Why or why not?
- To be a biologist means to have a drive to learn about the world around us. Studying living beings causes a spark and fascination to learn more and understand how that being functions and survives. By this definition, I would say I am not a biologist as my drive to learn about living things does not steam from intellectual curiosity. Rather, my drive is directed towards preconceived ideas and processes, and figuring out how to apply those to everyday life.
Bhamilton18 (talk) 14:58, 4 September 2017 (PDT)
- To be a biologist means to have a drive to learn about the world around us. Studying living beings causes a spark and fascination to learn more and understand how that being functions and survives. By this definition, I would say I am not a biologist as my drive to learn about living things does not steam from intellectual curiosity. Rather, my drive is directed towards preconceived ideas and processes, and figuring out how to apply those to everyday life.
Qlanners Responses
Before Reading
1. When I hear computer science I think of the utilization of the processing power of computers to make every-day tasks easier, more effective, and more affordable. I think of the creative but incredibly precise and logical mindset needed to write commands that serve this purpose.
2. I think older relatives, focusing on those who are not specifically specialized in computer science, are often overwhelmed and intimidated by the words computer science. Several of my older relatives have a hard time navigating the simple dashboards of several software applications, so when they try to think of the interworking behind these dashboards, they probably only think of lines of incoherent words and symbols that have no meaning to them.
3. Younger relatives seem to be more excited at the prospect of the possibilities that computer science holds. Having grown up always surrounded by technology, the younger generation is very technologically literate and is often very willing to learn how to harness computer science to its fullest abilities.
1. When I hear the term biology, I think of the living world and the science behind how everything in the world interacts. I think of the importance of current hot topics in today’s society such as global warming and pollution and how we can use technology with the findings from biology to help the living planet.
2. While I am pursuing a biochemistry minor, and have taken several biology courses, I wouldn’t consider myself a biologist. I am more interested in working with biologists to use technology to solve the problems that they find.
After Reading
1. The purpose of these readings was to give a holistic introduction to both computing and biology. More specifically, both readings tried to combat the stereotypical view that each subject carries with it. The articles went beyond the ignorant views that people outside of each field have of each of them, and outlined the depth of each subject. The computer science article laid a foundation of the several different aspects that make up computer science, going beyond the typical view that computer science is just coding, to highlight all the possibilities one has in the subject. The biology article focused on articulating how a biologist has a moral inclination to discover the world. It also touched on technology’s place in biology, and the role we all can have as “amateur” biologists.
2. The voice of the scientist in computing appeals to me most. I am most interested in exploring and discovering the possibilities that exist within the realm of computing. I am also very interested in making the world of computing as interdisciplinary as possible, using the power of computing to answer questions in other scientific and industrial fields.
3. The principle of computation can be observed in our everyday life in our decisions on routes to take to arrive at a desired location. Each time we have a specified destination, we quickly think through all the possible routes that we could take to arrive at that destination, and decide upon the quickest route. We are quickly able to rule out most routes, and then take more time to think through the few remaining possible routes. Furthermore, each time we take a route to a destination (say between classes), the subsequent time takes less computing power (thinking), until we become able to take the quickest route virtually without even thinking about it.
4. I was very interested in Janovy’s commentary on the importance for biologists to become technologically capable (and preferably technologically advanced). Janovy’s story of the realization of the power of technology at a University of Nebraska’s summer field program (p. 25), and his many examples of the types of biological advancements that technology have allowed for articulate this idea. In today’s world, for a biologist to be able to share his/her findings with the world, a step that is key to any academic, he/she needs to have to ability to analyze their findings in a meaningful way. And to do so, technology is necessary. This idea highlighted the reason that I am taking this course, in the idea that technology has found its way into every field, and knowing how to use the available technology at a high level will always be a skill in high demand.
5. After reading the Janovy’s On Becoming a Biologist I would have to lean towards saying that I indeed am a biologist. While I do not intend to go on and get my PhD in biology, I am an avid outdoorsmen and lover of nature. I have several memories and moral values rooted in nature and the wonders the world has to offer. While my skills and career interests align more with analytics, Janovy’s commentary on the growing trend of interdisciplinary work reminds me that I will always be able to observe the Earth through a biologist’s view and use my skills in unique ways to learn things about our planet.
Simon's Responses
Before Reading The Denning Articles
- When I hear the term "computer science" I think of the digital inter workings of everyday devices and become both mystified and intrigued.
- I believe when older generations here the term computer science they either think of something more complex because they understand it or something less complex because they do not, some may not have any opinions on it at all.
- When younger generations here the term computer science I would guess that they think of games or applications on a phone.
Before Reading The Janovy Chapter
- When I hear the term Biology I immediately think of the term "the study of life" because I tend to translate terms in my head.
- I do consider myself a Biologist because of the research I've done here at LMU in labs as well as personal research and hypothesis I think of on a frequent basis.
After Reading The Janovy Chapter and Denning Articles
- I believe the purpose of these readings was to give us a deeper understanding of what it means to be both a biologist and a computer scientist and have us reflect on and mold our own definitions.
- The Programmer voice in the Voices of Computing article seemed the most appealing to me because of its broad nature and immense capability of accomplishing virtually anything.
- The Search Principle seems to be the most everyday like principle and is certainly most accurate to me. I'm always trying to recognize the shape, size, and color of my keys in the morning.
- I found the part about perception and what biologists actually see an how that manipulates what everyone thinks about the world. He talks about how having an accurate and consistent perception of the world is healthy for everyone. The more you know about the world's intricacies, the better and more well rounded your world view or perception becomes, thus allowing you to live a healthier and happier life.
- I believe a biologist is someone who observes the living world around them and actively works towards understanding its systems. I would consider myself a biologist because I too am in the active pursuit of understanding life around me.
Simonwro120 Week 1
Simonwro120 Week 2
Simonwro120 (talk) 16:47, 4 September 2017 (PDT)
Mary Balducci's Responses
Before reading the Denning articles:
- When I hear the term computer science I think of exploring the many things that can be done with computers. I think of writing programs that can do almost anything. I think computer science is really interesting, and very expansive. It's not something I know much about, but I am really interested with everything that can be done in the field.
- In general, when my older friends and relatives hear the term computer science, I think they feel overwhelmed. I think they do not understand a lot of it, and are not really used to computers being so advanced, because the world they grew up in was nothing like that.
- When my younger friends and relatives hear the term computer science, I think they get excited. They are used to computers and they have grown up knowing how to use them, so they understand all the things computers have the potential to do.
Before reading the Janovy chapter:
- When I hear the term biology, I think of all living things. I think of biology as figuring out how living things work, and using that information in various ways, for example creating medicine that can accurately target and fight a diseItalic textase in the body.
- I consider myself a biologist. I am majoring in biology so the classes I've taken have given me information that other people wouldn't know. That said, there's still a lot that I don't know about biology.
After reading the Denning articles and Janovy chapter:
- The purpose of these readings was to make me reflect about how I think of computer science and biology, and to take in new information and new views on both subjects. Both sets of readings explain their subjects with perspectives I had not known about before. Especially as a biology major, the articles on computers science served the purpose of giving me a better understanding of what computer science is.
- In the Voices of Computing article, I think the User's voice appealed to me the most. It was the one I could relate tot he most. I've never done anything on the programming/ creating side of computer science before, but I have definitely used computers and love exploring all the things they can do.
- I thought that the Janovy chapter was provocative in saying that often times biology teachers and curriculums have no interest in explaining why biology is studied, but instead just study it. He said that in biology classes, no one ever reflected on why they were biologists, or what made them that way. Instead, the focus on actually being biologists, and studying. This was interesting because the two are so closely related, the answer to why people become biologists has to do with biology, yet that is not talked about.
- To me, being a biologist means to be immersed in the study of the living world, whether or not that is what your job is. I consider myself a biologist because I study the living world even when not in class. it's something I've always loved to do and been really interested in.
Mbalducc (talk) 16:11, 4 September 2017 (PDT)
Emma Tyrnauer's Responses
Before Reading the Denning Articles
- When I hear the term computer science I think of coding, making programs, software, websites, etc. I know very little about computer science in general, however recently I feel as though there has been a lot of buzz surrounding artificial intelligence.
- When older relatives hear the term computer science I think they might be more familiar with the coding aspect and less so with aspects such as artificial intelligence. Major strides have recently been made in the advancement of technology and computer science--some of which I even have trouble keeping up with.
- When younger relatives or friends hear the term computer science I think they mostly think about smart phones, tablets, laptops, etc.
Before Reading the Janovy Chapter
- When I hear the term biology I think of cells with organelles that carry out specialized processes, as well as different groupings of specialized cells that make up complete organisms. I also think of genetic information being passed down from parents to offspring; specifically,how mutations in DNA and various steps in meiosis are responsible for the great diversity that is present on this planet.
- Being a biology major, I do consider myself a biologist because I am constantly studying the different forms of life around me. Taking lab allows me to study different life forms, ask my own questions, and make predictions about biological processes. To me, being a biologist means being interested in and studying life around you.
After Reading the Denning Articles and Janovy Chapter
Corinne Wong's Response
Before reading the Denning articles
- When I hear "computer science," I think of coding and creating programs. I think of the advancement of our current technology with new computers and systems that are increasingly smarter and more complex.
- When older relatives or friends hear "computer science," I think they would think of coding and new and advanced systems as well, but only to a certain extent. I don't think they would know too much about the depth of what it means to code or advance systems.
- When younger relatives or friends hear "computer science," I think they would think of all that I think of: coding, creating programs, advancing technology to make it smarter and more complex. They would know much more than I ever knew at their age and maybe even more than I know now.
Before reading the Janovy chapter
- When I hear "biology," I think of the study of life in the past, present, and future. I think of the science and research that shaped and continues to shape our understanding of life.
- I consider myself a "beginner biologist" because it is what I'm studying, but there are others that I would consider more of biologists than I am. I'm a biology major, but I haven't sought out to perform or participate in research. I think of my studies as a basis/precursor to my future interests and career.
After reading the Denning articles and the Janovy chapter
- ...
Cwong34 (talk) 17:28, 4 September 2017 (PDT)
Arash Lari's Response to the Readings
Before Reading Denning
- 1. The study of how computers operate and function. In other words, I think of how to transcribe complex processes and ideas into an algorithm with the simplest steps such that a computer could execute the commands with no ambiguity.
- 2. Coming from a “techy” family my dad always said computer science was akin to art or poetry, and programming is a method of self expression but in a more practical way. Other less tech-savvy members of my family would normally just say computer science is working with computers and leave it at that.
- 3. I think the younger generation think mostly about the practical applications of computer science such as web development or app creation, and not so much “science” part of it that pertains to the theory of computation and the more abstract principles and ideas of computer science
Before Reading Janovy
- 1. I think of the study of life, and living organisms. I think of anything that could have some sort of life or is naturally occurring all the way down to cells and their individual organelles, any smaller than that I think it starts to become chemistry.
- 2. I don’t consider myself a biologist as I haven’t studied it academically very much and would not call myself an expert on the subject
After Readings
- 1. The purpose of these two articles was to better understand the definitions of both fields so that we understand what our objectives are and how to merge these two fields of study together.
- 2. I feel some association with all of the voices, but the engineer might be the most appealing to me as my original major was software engineering, and I got into the field by wanting to build software that took care of various problems I had. That may sound like the problem solving voice, but I think I’m more the engineering voice because I like to try to solve problems in a pragmatic, practical way, which is kind of the purpose of engineers in any field they’re in.
- 3. Everyone that’s trying to be efficient would apply Intractability, the process of figuring out the best way to do something. An example would be the timing that you choose to cook stuff in the kitchen, such that everything is ready at the same time.
- 4. Definitely the butterfly effect, which is something I think about often. The idea that one small, seemingly insignificant change can have drastic consequences in the future is always something on my mind as I try to think as ahead as possible for every decision I make.
- 5. I would say that I’ve been known to do what biologists are known for which would be someone who observes the living world around them and actively tries to understand it better, my gripe would be with the word active. I actively try to learn more about computer science but I would say i passively try to learn about the world around me, because I welcome the information when it comes but I don’t academically research it.
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John Lopez's Responses
Before Reading Denning
- When I hear the term “computer science”, I think of both understanding how computers work in order can solve problems using computers. I believe that although programming is a very important aspect of computer science, it is also necessary to know what can be done using programming. While people generally make connections with mathematical analysis and computers, I believe computers can be used in other disciplines of study.
- When older relatives or friends hear the term “computer science”, they perceive it as a sort of magic. To them, knowledge of computers was reserved for either the wealthy or the well-educated, meaning they did not simply have exposure to understanding how computers functioned. While computer science education has significantly improved, older generations seem to not have interest in learning it.
- When younger friends or relatives hear the term “computer science”, they typically believe that computer science is too complex for them to understand. This is also due to the stigma that you have to be a mathematical genius in order to comprehend how to program. Furthermore, they typically associate computer scientist majors with game or app developers.
Before Reading Janovy
- When I hear the term “biology”, I think of the study of life. I think of understanding the chemical processes that allow life to function and I think of the several ways to study life. Understanding biology is the gateway to understand ecology, zoology, agriculture, and health. Furthermore, I think of how biologists use several types of tools and experiments in order to understand life.
- As of now, I do not consider myself a biologist. This is because I have not undertaken any sort of research dedicated to biology. However, I plan to use this class as a gateway to understanding some of the methods biologists use to understand life. Ideally I would like to research biology using computers, and once I do I will consider myself a biologist.
After Readings
- The three readings that were presented to us, students of two disciplines, were intended for the readers to have a different attitude towards their discipline than what is commonly thought. The two readings published for computer scientists, for instance, were intended to show that studying computing has more applications than programming and that it is necessary for computer scientists to think beyond their discipline. However, the Sanovy article, meant for biologists, was intended to say that despite all of the changes in social attitudes towards biology and scientific/technological progress, it is crucial to stay true to the naturalist roots of studying biology.
- Out of the voices in Voices of Computing, the computational thinker appealed to me the most. The thoughts and attitudes of the computational thinker towards problem solving and science align well with mine. Problem solving is my favorite part of computer science. I believe that although I am not a scientist myself, I would find great interest in using computers to help scientists solve problems.
- Elements in nature such as bird migration can be explained using the principle of automation, one of the seven principles mentioned in the *Computing is a Natural Science* article. The summary states that automation is “finding a pattern or configuration in a very large space of possibilities”. When birds migrate, they rely upon instinct to reach their intended destination in a specific direction during a specific time. This is a very natural phenomena that relies heavily upon one of the principles of computation.
- I found the sixth section of the chapter to be the most interesting part of the Janovy article. As technology progresses and advancements are made in computation, it is important to remember the roots of biology and what it truly means to study life. This section reminds us that while it is important for biologists to adapt to new technologies, they must remain focused upon studying biology rather than focusing on how to study biology.
- I believe that in order to be a biologist, you need to never lose your purpose in studying life. Sanovy, for example, spoke highly of those who were curious of the world around them and studied it despite what others thought. This was displayed with the herpetologist and the students. Despite the fact that I am curious about the environment around me, I am not a biologist. As of now, I do not act upon my curiosities nor do I research the world around me.
Johnllopez616 (talk) 21:19, 4 September 2017 (PDT)
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