Johnllopez Week 12

From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 06:28, 21 November 2017 by Johnllopez616 (talk | contribs) (Added milestone 1)
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Milestone 0

As performed on Thursday, this file contains the deliverable for my presentation.

Milestone 1

To achieve this milestone, I had to ensure that my PC had the following programs installed:

  1. Node.js 8.4.0 or newer
  2. Code-savvy editor such as Atom or Microsoft Visual Studio Code
  3. Web browser with developer tools (Seaver 120 uses Google Chrome)
  4. git version control software
  5. curl command

Fortunately, each of the programs were! I had Node.JS from the Week 7 assignment, atom from my Programming Lab class, and Chrome + Git were already installed on my pc! I also ran the following test on git:


This returned the HTML for the page, so curl was definitely working!

Milestone 2

Milestone 3

Milestone 4

Acknowledgements and References



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