Johnllopez Week 12

From LMU BioDB 2017
Revision as of 07:40, 21 November 2017 by Johnllopez616 (talk | contribs) (Added milestone 4)
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Milestone 0

As performed on Thursday, this file contains the deliverable for my presentation.

Milestone 1

To achieve this milestone, I had to ensure that my PC had the following programs installed:

  1. Node.js 8.4.0 or newer
  2. Code-savvy editor such as Atom or Microsoft Visual Studio Code
  3. Web browser with developer tools (Seaver 120 uses Google Chrome)
  4. git version control software
  5. curl command

Fortunately, each of the programs were! I had Node.JS from the Week 7 assignment, atom from my Programming Lab class, and Chrome + Git were already installed on my pc! I also ran the following test on git:


This returned the HTML for the page, so curl was definitely working!

Milestone 2

This was the first milestone that required collaboration with my teammates. It also required some interaction on GitHub.

You can access my GitHub with the following link:

Then, on Thursday in class, I talked to Blair Hamilton who created a fork of GRNSight. In addition, she added each of the coders to said fork. You can find the fork here:

Then, I created a branch called gene-database-apis. You can find it here:

Milestone 3

These steps were necessary to ensure I had a working development environment. Prior to this, however, I did not use git, so I had to follow each step carefully to ensure that my environment worked.

  1. I had to git clone Blair's fork onto my computer. To do this, I had Eddie Azinge show me how. I was able to do each step on my own from that moment.
  2. I had to cd into the folder on my pc (C:\Users\John\GRNSight)
  3. I performed the following command: git checkout gene-database-apis. From here, whenever I would CD into GRNSight, it would automatically go into that branch.
  4. Finally, I performed npm install in that branch as suggested by the following link: Then, I went to

http://localhost:5001/, and saw that GRNSight was here!

Milestone 4

For this portion, my partner Eddie Azinge finished up most of the code. However, we have yet to write unit tests so we are unsure if the code produced works. So far, he discussed what was produced with me and what are the steps I need to do to finish said code.

Acknowledgements and References


In class, I consulted Blair Hamilton and Eddie Azinge to ensure Milestones 1-3 were completed for this task. We discussed how GitHub would be set up, and Eddie helped me with the first step of Milestone 3. While I worked with the people noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.


LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 12. Retrieved November 15, 2017, from
GRNSight. Running the Applications. Retrieved November 20, 2017, from

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