User talk:Cdomin12
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Comment Cdomin12 (talk) 23:39, 2 September 2019 (PDT)
Feedback on Week 1 Assignment
I am posting the feedback on your Week 1 assignment here.
- Thank you for submitting your assignment on time.
- All of the items listed in the assignment were completed except for the following items noted below. You have the opportunity to make up the points you lost on your assignment by making the requested changes by the Week 3 assignment deadline.
- You only used your username for your e-mail address; I wasn't sure if this was by design or not.
- When you report the dates of your jobs, it is customary to say "to present" instead of "to now".
- You wrote something in the summary field 4 out of 65 times (6%). Your number of saves tells me that you are saving early and often, which is great! However, we are aiming for writing something in the summary field 100% of the time so you have some work to do on that score.
- By convention, we don't use a single "=" as a heading on the wiki because that is used for the main page title. Please start with "==" and go down from there.
- Please remove the "Biological Databases" category and use "Journal Entry" instead. When you invoke your template, it will show up on your user page automatically.
- You created your template, but neglected to invoke it on your user page. It would be helpful if you went ahead and made the entire list of journal entries, shared journals, and assignments on your template now, to save you work later in the semester.
- The Acknowledgments and References sections were missing from your user page. Please go back and add them.
- It sounds like the Janovy reading resonated with you!
— Kdahlquist (talk) 22:29, 11 September 2019 (PDT)
Feedback on Week 5 Database Page
I am posting feedback on your Week 5 Database page here.
- Thank you for submitting your assignment on time.
- You completed all of the requested items except for the following:
- The syntax you used for external links is incorrect. Remember, links that are internal to the wiki use double square brackets, like "[[" and "]]", but links that are external to the wiki only use a single set of square brackets like "[" and "]". Also, links internal to the wiki use the " | " to separate the visible label from the page name, while external links use a single space character to do so. Because you have formatted external links like internal ones, extra brackets and | are showing up on your page.
- Also, when creating a link to download a file, please use the syntax [[Media:filename | visible label]] instead of [[File:filename | visible label]]. The latter does not create a direct download link, but takes you to a secondary page.
- IMG/VR might be a primary database if it allows users to directly upload data. It would be a secondary database if it is getting its data from other databases instead of directly from users.
- In terms of ownership of the database, the ultimate "owners" may be the Regents of the University of California because they are the legal owner of all work performed under the umbrella of the UC system, but the Regents themselves would not be directly involved in the daily operations of the database, such as maintaining it or curating it. There may also be funding sources besides the UC system.
- This database would be considered a public database. A private database would have some kind of restricted access and this database is open to anyone with a web browser.
- This database would be considered a "small" database because it has a very specialized content domain and is run by a single lab group.
- Does the database appear to completely cover its content domain?
- Are the download formats standard or nonstandard?
- Your rate of citing for in text citations was good; however you did not actually cite the Nucleic Acids Research article in your references section.
- We are going to get into Quality Assurance and Data/Database formats as we move toward the final project.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 10:06, 11 October 2019 (PDT)
Week 1 Redux Feedback
- Thank you for making the requested corrections on time.
- All changes were completed except for the following:
- You changed the levels of the headers to start with "==" instead of "=" as requested. However, now you only have two levels of headers on your page, instead of three, because you didn't use the "====" level.
- You added the reference to the Week 1 assignment, but you did not update the retrieval date to 2019.
- For the period of September 12 to 19, you made 51 edits to the wiki. For most of those, you wrote something in the summary field. However, don't overwrite the text that automatically appears there. That text is referring to the section you edited, so you should just add your comment after that.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 12:09, 11 October 2019 (PDT)
Week 8 Interim Feedback
- I was unable to check your spreadsheet. When I tried to unzip the file you posted, it did not actually have an Excel workbook inside. Let's talk in class about what you did and get the correct file uploaded.
- Also, when linking to a file on your wiki page, you only need to use the syntax of [[Media:filename | visible label]] instead of [[File:filename | visible label]]. The former syntax provides a direct link to download instead of taking you to an intermediate page. The Media link is all that's needed.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 11:05, 22 October 2019 (PDT)
Week 9 Interim Feedback
- I checked the files you uploaded for the Week 9 interim deadline. You also need to upload and link to a new version of the master Excel file and to provide the .txt file that was used as input for stem.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 14:06, 29 October 2019 (PDT)
Week 10 Interim Feedback
- I checked your GRNmap input workbook.
- You need to delete the MET31 gene from every worksheet. It is not connected to any other gene in the network.
- You do not need to include the dzap1_log2_expression data because ZAP1 is not in your network. However, you do need to include a dcin5_log2_expression sheet because CIN5 is in your network. You will also need to adjust the "optimization_parameters" worksheet to reflect this.
- Otherwise, it looks good to go.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 14:10, 5 November 2019 (PST)