Difference between revisions of "User talk:Knguye66"

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(add week 1 feedback)
(Week 1 Redux Feedback: gave week 8 interim feedback)
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''— [[User:Kdahlquist|Kdahlquist]] ([[User talk:Kdahlquist|talk]]) 13:51, 11 October 2019 (PDT)''
''— [[User:Kdahlquist|Kdahlquist]] ([[User talk:Kdahlquist|talk]]) 13:51, 11 October 2019 (PDT)''
== Week 8 Interim Feedback ==
* I checked your Excel workbook, submitted for the Week 8 interim deadline.
* When linking to a file on your wiki page, please use the syntax of <nowiki>[[Media:filename | visible label]]</nowiki> instead of <nowiki>[[File:filename | visible label]]</nowiki>.  The former syntax provides a direct link to download instead of taking you to an intermediate page.
* Also, you want to be keeping only one file that you will continue to edit from week to week.  Currently, you have two files, "WildType_knguye66_Microarray_wt.xlsx" and "WildType_knguye66_Microarray_wt2.xlsx", the latter of which contains your calculations.  You should have just continued to edit the "WildType_knguye66_Microarray_wt.xlsx" file.  The wiki keeps track of versions of files, so if you ever wanted to go back to a previous version you uploaded, you could.  Keeping just one file is easier to keep track of in the long run because you are not left wondering which one is the most recent when you have a long list of files.
* Your calculations on the <code>wt_ANOVA</code> worksheet are correct, but your Benjamini and Hochberg correction is not correct.  You need to perform the B-H correction on the original p values (column AN), but you did it on the Bonferroni-corrected p values instead.  You will need to go back and correct this before you can move onto the next step.
* Once you have corrected the calculations, you will then need to copy the results back into the "wt_ANOVA" sheet.
''&mdash; [[User:Kdahlquist|Kdahlquist]] ([[User talk:Kdahlquist|talk]]) 12:00, 22 October 2019 (PDT)''

Latest revision as of 12:00, 22 October 2019

Feedback on Week 1 Assignment

I am posting the feedback on your Week 1 assignment here.

  • You submitted most of your assignment on time, but you added the table of assignments and the link from your name to your user page on the home page late. In the future, make sure that you submit all of the assignment before the deadline.
  • While all of the content requested in the assignment was present, your page was missing many of the wiki skills. All of the items listed in the assignment were completed except for the following items noted below. You have the opportunity to make up the points you lost on your assignment by making the requested changes by the Week 3 assignment deadline.
    • I think you have some confusion about what "snail mail" is. That does not mean your lion e-mail address, it actually means a street address that the US Postal Service will deliver to. If you don't have a mailbox at LMU, you can use the Department of Biology street address for your snail mail address.
    • You wrote something in the summary field 14 out of 17 times (82%). That's pretty good; remember we are aiming for writing something in that field 100% of the time. Your total number of edits is a little low. I recommend saving smaller changes more often.
    • Your user page was missing a link to an external web page.
    • Please use three levels of headers. You used "==" and "===", so you need to add the "====" level.
    • While you have a bulleted list, please also use a numbered list.
    • Please "comment out" something in your code.
    • Please also upload and display an image on your user page.
    • Please upload and link to a different type of file on your page. Some people have uploaded a PDF of their paper resume, for example.
    • Please remove the "Shared" category from your user page. "Shared" should only go on the class journal page.
    • You created a template, but did not invoke it on your page. To invoke it, you use the code {{Knguye66}}. When you do that, the stuff you put on the template page will automatically appear and you would not need the code for your table to be copied to your user page. Please let me know if you need clarification on this.
    • The Acknowledgments and References sections were missing from your User page. Please go back and add these sections. For example, you need to acknowledge the source you used to learn the syntax to create your table.
  • The distinction between "I am" and "I do" is really important. One could argue that this distinction is also part of the Ignatian discernment process.

Kdahlquist (talk) 08:35, 12 September 2019 (PDT)

Feedback on Week 5 Database Page

I am posting feedback on your Week 5 Database page here.

  • Thank you for submitting your assignment on time.
  • You completed all of the requested items except for the following:
    • I see that you are still a little confused about your template, nor did you invoke your template on this week's journal page. The table of assignments that you have coded on your User page, actually needs to be on your template page. Then you need to invoke your template on your User page and all journal pages by using the following code <nowki>=== User Page ===

Template Page


Table of all assignments and journal entries for BIO-367-01

Week Individual Journal Entry Shared Journal
Week 1 - Class Journal Week 1
Week 2 knguye66 Week 2 Class Journal Week 2
Week 3 ILT1/YDR090C Week 3 Class Journal Week 3
Week 4 knguye66 Week 4 Class Journal Week 4
Week 5 DrugCentral Week 5 Class Journal Week 5
Week 6 knguye66 Week 6 Class Journal Week 6
Week 7 knguye66 Week 7 Class Journal Week 7
Week 8 knguye66 Week 8 Class Journal Week 8
Week 9 knguye66 Week 9 Class Journal Week 9
Week 10 knguye66 Week 10 Class Journal Week 10
Week 11 knguye66 Week 11 FunGals
Week 12/13 knguye66 Eyoung20 Week 12/13 FunGals
Week 15 knguye66 Eyoung20 Week 15 Class Journal Week 15

</nowiki>. I see that you are adding the template link like [[Template:knguye66]], but this just provides a link to the template, it does not invoke it. It seems like you are also updating the list of assignments on your User page, but not the one on your template page. Be sure to update the template version and then invoke your template on all of your journal pages going forward.

    • When creating a link to download a file, please use the syntax [[Media:filename | visible label]] instead of [[File:filename | visible label]]. The latter does not create a direct download link, but takes you to a secondary page.
    • When we ask whether the database content is covered already, that means whether other databases have the same content, not whether this database has been cited by other papers?
    • I'm not sure what you meant about differences in downloading the data between public and private computers.
    • You need to provide in text citations in the form of hyperlinks to the database page from which you got the information for every question.
    • You also needed to cite the assignment page and journal article in your list of references. Your citation to the database needs the year in parentheses to be the correct APA format.
  • As we move forward in the class, we will begin to talk more about "Quality Assurance" and "Data Curation and Re-use". In fact, the Week 7 assignment is predicated on the re-use of data from my lab that has been deposited in a public database.

Kdahlquist (talk) 10:21, 11 October 2019 (PDT)

Week 1 Redux Feedback

  • This is the feedback for the corrections to your Week 1 assignment.
  • You made all of the required changes to your User page except for the following:
    • When creating a link to download a file, please use the syntax [[Media:filename | visible label]] instead of [[File:filename | visible label]]. The latter does not create a direct download link, but takes you to a secondary page.
    • You invoked your template at the bottom of your User page, but you also put the table of assignments at the top of your page. You don't need that because the template with the assignment table is invoked at the bottom of the page.
    • You need to include a reference to the Week 1 assignment. Also, make sure that you are following the correct APA format for a website.
  • In the period from September 12 to 19, you made 99 edits to the wiki (whew!). You wrote something in the summary field 89 times (90%). Don't forget to write something when you upload a file.

Kdahlquist (talk) 13:51, 11 October 2019 (PDT)

Week 8 Interim Feedback

  • I checked your Excel workbook, submitted for the Week 8 interim deadline.
  • When linking to a file on your wiki page, please use the syntax of [[Media:filename | visible label]] instead of [[File:filename | visible label]]. The former syntax provides a direct link to download instead of taking you to an intermediate page.
  • Also, you want to be keeping only one file that you will continue to edit from week to week. Currently, you have two files, "WildType_knguye66_Microarray_wt.xlsx" and "WildType_knguye66_Microarray_wt2.xlsx", the latter of which contains your calculations. You should have just continued to edit the "WildType_knguye66_Microarray_wt.xlsx" file. The wiki keeps track of versions of files, so if you ever wanted to go back to a previous version you uploaded, you could. Keeping just one file is easier to keep track of in the long run because you are not left wondering which one is the most recent when you have a long list of files.
  • Your calculations on the wt_ANOVA worksheet are correct, but your Benjamini and Hochberg correction is not correct. You need to perform the B-H correction on the original p values (column AN), but you did it on the Bonferroni-corrected p values instead. You will need to go back and correct this before you can move onto the next step.
  • Once you have corrected the calculations, you will then need to copy the results back into the "wt_ANOVA" sheet.

Kdahlquist (talk) 12:00, 22 October 2019 (PDT)