David Ramirez
Biology Major
Class of 2021
Upper Division Courses: Science of Ergogenic Aids, Cell Biology Lab, and Biological Databases
Phone Number: (562) 455-5163
"Torpor in Hummingbirds"
"Frequency and Rate at Which Female Hummingbirds Tend Their Nests"
Mentor: Erich Eberts
"Avian Population in the Ballona Wetlands"
Mentor: Dr. Kristen Covino
Work Experience
Facilities Assistant
Student Housing Office
Nov. 2017 - May 2018
Managed physically demanding tasks of housing/resident halls
Biology Stockroom Technician Assistant
Department of Biology
June 2018 - Current
Prepare important material and equipment needed for Freshman Labs
Maintain and care for the aquatic life in the Life Science Building
Conduct general Biology-related projects that range from assisting Biology professors to transferring an incubator between two rooms
Personal Interests/Hobbies
Singing at the Loyola Marymount University Liturgical Choir
Playing the Alto Saxophone
Watching Animal Documentaries
Favorite Aspect of Biology: Animal Biology because I believe that humans will care more about animals if we know more about them. There is
much left to learn from the diverse species that coexist with us humans, and each one of them is very important to the equilibrium of
biological life on earth.
Favorite Aspect of Computer Science: Understanding how to input data and conduct different types of statistical or general analysis.