
From LMU BioDB 2019
Revision as of 14:50, 3 September 2019 by Jnimmers (talk | contribs)
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John Nimmers-Minor

Conact Information

Email address (We recommend that you use do not use a "mailto" link for this, but give your address as username at domain so that web crawlers cannot pick it up and subject your account to spam.) Jnimmers at lion dot lmu dot edu LMU snail mail address (either your mailbox or departmental address) Education

Major Biology

Expected graduation year Spring 2020

Upper division courses in biology, chemistry, math, and computer science that you have taken (including those in which you are enrolled this semester)

Career interests and goals (if you know) Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy

Description of any independent research projects in which you have been involved, including: Title of project Mentor's name List of presentations and/or publications resulting from the project Work experience Position/title Employer Dates Responsibilities Personal interests/hobbies What is your favorite aspect of biology and why? What is your favorite aspect of computer science and why?

template: jnimmers