User talk:Mavila9

From LMU BioDB 2019
Revision as of 21:43, 11 September 2019 by Kdahlquist (talk | contribs) (added week 1 feedback)
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Feedback on Week 1 Assignment

I am posting the feedback on your Week 1 assignment here.

  • You submitted your assignment on time, except that you added your image and the link from your name to your user page on the home page late. In the future, make sure that the entire assignment is completed on time.
  • All of the items listed in the assignment were completed except for the following items noted below. You have the opportunity to make up the points you lost on your assignment by making the requested changes by the Week 3 assignment deadline.
    • When describing your independent research, you just provided a link to a poster. You should describe it like you do "Work Experience", naming the project, your mentor, and the timespan.
    • You wrote something in the summary field 17 out of 17 times (100%). Keep up the excellent work! However, with only 17 saves, you are editing too long before saving your work. I would expect that this assignment would take more like a minimum of 20-30 saves or more.
    • Please remove the category "Shared". It would be best if you put the category "Journal Entry" on your template page and not directly on the User page. The categories don't need their own section headers. The category links will always be put at the bottom of the page by the software.
    • You need to use three levels of headers. You used "==" and "===", but not "====". Please add a level for "====".
    • At the time the Week 1 assignment was submitted, you had created your template, but had not invoked it on your User page. You also created a series of subpages that weren't needed. Going forward, please remove links to unnecessary subpages. You should just have an individual journal entry for each week called "Mavila9 Week 2", etc. These pages should be directly linked on your template instead of being linked from an intermediary page. Please see me if you have questions about this.
    • You had Acknowledgements and References sections, but they were not directly on the User page. Please move them to the user page and then make sure that these sections directly appear on your individual journal entries in the future. Also, you copied the citation to the Week 1 journal without changing the date. The date is for when you personally accessed the page.
  • I'm interested to hear that you think your generation is not as shocked by technology as mine, for example. It's funny, I would say the same thing!

Kdahlquist (talk) 21:43, 11 September 2019 (PDT)