Jnimmers Week 4
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File:JnimmersFDAProducts.zip Complete your electronic notebook on your individual journal page. Your notebook entry should contain:
- The purpose: what was the purpose of your investigations?: The purpose of this investigation was to get a better understanding of how to operate the Microsoft Access Database by using data collected from the Federal Drug Agency to create my own database. Besides that, this assignment was meant to allow for a visualization of how complex databases, such as the FDA database, is formed and how relationships between tables can be formed to create a cohesive and understandable database to provide as much information as possible to those who access it.
- Your methods: what did you actually do? Give a step by step account for Tasks 1-4 listed above.:
Task 1
- For this Task, I went to the [| FDA Drug Information Website] and downloaded the available drug data from that source. There is a linnk at the bottom of the page instructing you on how to download the .zip file.
- From there, I found the files that contained relative data and extracted them from their .zip folder by finding a simple area to extract, right-clicking the folder, and selecting "Extract All" from the drop-down menu.
Task 2
- Once the Text documents had been downloaded, I went into Microsoft (MS) Access and, under the "External Data" tab, I selected the "Import Text File" option and found the files that needed to be imported from the FDA folder. Each file imported will create a new table. The list of these tables can be found on the left side of the screen in MS Access. Most formatting was done automatically by Access, however, make sure to check the box that says "First Row Contains Field Names", it will allow for the automatic formatting of your column names. This makes the inclusion of IDs easier because if you delete an ID row, it forces you to start the process of importing over so that your first row doesn't start as ID:2.
- Your results: the answers to the questions below, plus any other results you gathered.
- Usually it makes sense to embed your answers to the questions/results in the "methods" in the order in which you obtained them.
- A scientific conclusion: what was your main finding for today's project? Did you fulfill the purpose? Why or why not?
Access SQL: basic concepts, vocabulary, and syntax
For your electronic lab notebook this week, do the following:
- Upload your zipped Microsoft Access FDA database to the wiki and link to it on your individual journal page.
- Write up the methods you used to create the database, load the tables, and write your first query.
We will work with this database for a future assignment in the class.
Data and Files
- References to data and files should be made within the methods and results section of your notebook.
- In addition to these inline links, create a "Data and Files" section of your notebook to make a list of the files generated in this exercise. In particular, you will need to zip and upload a compressed version of your MS Access FDA drug database. Make sure that your filename contains your last name or username to distinguish it from databases created by other students in the class.
In this section, you need to acknowledge anyone who assisted you with your assignment, either in person, electronically, or even anonymously without their knowledge.
- You must acknowledge your homework partner or team members with whom you worked, giving details of the nature of the collaboration. You should include when and how you met and what content you worked on together. An appropriate statement could be (but is not limited to) the following:
- I worked with my homework partner (give name and link name to their user page) in class. We met face-to-face one time outside of class. We texted/e-mailed/chatted online three times. We worked on the <details> portion of the assignment together.
- Acknowledge anyone else you worked with who was not your assigned partner. This could be Dr. Dahlquist (for example, via office hours), the TA, other students in the class, or even other students or faculty outside of the class.
- If you copied
wiki syntax
or a particular style from another wiki page, acknowledge that here. Provide the user name of the original page, if possible, and provide a link to the page from which you copied the syntax or style. - If you need to reference content (such as the methods of a protocol), that belongs in the References section where you will give a include a formal APA-formatted citation (see below).
- You must also include this statement unless otherwise noted:
- "Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source."
- Sign your Acknowledgments section with your wiki signature.
- In this section, you need to provide properly formatted citations to any content that was not entirely of your own devising. This includes, but is not limited to:
- methods
- data
- facts
- images
- documents, including the scientific literature
- Do not include extraneous references that you do not cite or use on your page.
- The references in this section should be accompanied by in text citations on your page that refer to these references.
- The references should be formatted according to the APA guidelines.
- For more detailed guidelines, please see the document Guidelines for Literature Citations in a Scientific Paper that you were given on the first day of class.
- Cite the appropriate weekly Assignment page. For example, the citation for the Week 1 Assignment page is: LMU BioDB 2019. (2019). Week 1. Retrieved August 27, 2019, from https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2019/index.php/Week_1
- Even if you have nothing else to cite, the References section must be present and include the citation to the appropriate weekly assignment page.