Mavila9 Week 12

From LMU BioDB 2019
Revision as of 11:58, 17 November 2019 by Mavila9 (talk | contribs) (Database Searches: answers)
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Journal Entry Page Week 11
Week 12/13 Journal Entry Page Week 12 Shared Journal Week 11
Week 12/13 Sulfiknights DA Week 12/13 Shared Journal Week 12
N/A Sulfiknights DA Week 14

Annotated Bibliography

Parrish, A. R., Zheng, X. H., Turney, K. D., Younis, H. S., & Gandolfi, A. J. (1999). Enhanced transcription factor DNA binding and gene expression induced by arsenite or arsenate in renal slices. Toxicological sciences: an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, 50(1), 98-105.

  1. The link to the abstract from PubMed.
  2. The link to the full text of the article in PubMedCentral (if not available, write N/A).
    • N/A
  3. The link to the full text of the article (HTML format) from the publisher web site.
    • The publisher website only provides the article as a PDF.
  4. The link to the full PDF version of the article from the publisher web site.
  5. Who owns the rights to the article?
    • The Society of Toxicology owns the rights to the article.
  6. How is the article available to you?
    • LMU pays for a subscription to the journal.
  7. Is the article available online-only or both in print and online?
    • The article is available both online and in print.
  8. Who is the publisher of the journal?
  9. How Long has the journal been in operation? (e.g., browse the archive for the earliest article published)
    • The journal has been in operation since January 1981.
  10. Are the articles in this journal peer-reviewed?
    • The articles in this journal are peer-reviewed.
  11. Provide a link to the scientific advisory board/editorial board of the journal.
  12. What is the journal impact factor? (Look to see if it is provided on the journal home page.)
    • 4.081
  13. Is the article a review or primary research article?
    • This article is a primary research article.
  14. Are the data associated with this article available? If so, provide a link to the dataset.
    • The dataset is not available.

Tang, L., Wang, W., Zhou, W., Cheng, K., Yang, Y., Liu, M., ... & Wang, W. (2015). Three-pathway combination for glutathione biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbial cell factories, 14(1), 139.

  1. The link to the abstract from PubMed.
  2. The link to the full text of the article in PubMedCentral (if not available, write N/A).
  3. The link to the full text of the article (HTML format) from the publisher web site.
  4. The link to the full PDF version of the article from the publisher web site.
  5. Who owns the rights to the article?
    • Tang et al. own the rights to the article.
  6. How is the article available to you?
    • This article is open access.
  7. Is the article available online-only or both in print and online?
    • The article is available online-only.
  8. Who is the publisher of the journal?
    • The publisher is Biomed Central a Springer Nature, a for-profit scientific society that is part of the Open Access Publishers Association, and located in both London, England.
  9. How long has the journal been in operation? (e.g., browse the archive for the earliest article published)
    • The journal has been in operation since 2000.
  10. Are the articles in this journal peer-reviewed?
    • The articles in this journal are peer-reviewed.
  11. Provide a link to the scientific advisory board/editorial board of the journal.
  12. What is the journal impact factor? (Look to see if it is provided on the journal home page.)
    • 4.402 2-year impact factor and 4.669 impact factor.
  13. Is the article a review or primary research article?
    • This article is a primary research article.
  14. Are the data associated with this article available? If so, provide a link to the dataset.
    • The dataset is not available.

Database Searches

  • You must use these three databases/tools to find the references that you include in your bibliography: PubMed, GoogleScholar, and Web of Science.
  1. PubMed
    • What original keyword(s) did you use? How many results did you get?
      • I first searched "glutothione biosynthesis" and got 118,158 results.
    • Which terms in which combinations were most useful to narrow down the search? How many results did you get after narrowing the search?
    • Next I added "in Saccharomyces cerevisiae" to the search and selected the "5-years" publication date restriction to narrow down the search and got 240 results.
  2. Google Scholar
    • What original keyword(s) did you use? How many results did you get?
      • I searched "effects of metal on gene expression" and got about 1,880,000 results.
    • Which terms in which combinations were most useful to narrow down the search? How many results did you get after narrowing the search?
      • I next included "arsenic" and "regulation" to search "effects of arsenic on gene expression regulation" and for about 130,000 results.
  3. Web of Science
    • What original keyword(s) did you use? How many results did you get?
    • Which terms in which combinations were most useful to narrow down the search? How many results did you get after narrowing the search?
  • Use the advanced search functions for each of these three databases/tools and answer the following:
  1. PubMed
    • Which advanced search functions were most useful to narrow down the search? How many results did you get?
  2. Google Scholar
  3. Web of Science
    • Which advanced search functions were most useful to narrow down the search? How many results did you get?
  4. Perform a prospective search on your article in the Web of Science and answer the following:
    • How many articles does this article cite?
    • How many articles cite this article?