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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
00:31, 14 December 2013EBtoRB Rifampicin Cellular Carbohydrate Metabolic Process.jpg (file)180 KBDwilliams (Cellular Carbohydrate Metabolic Process.jpeg)1
00:30, 14 December 2013EBtoRB Rifampicin Cellular Carbohydrate Metabolic Process.mapp (file)180 KBDwilliams (Cellular Carbohydrate Metabolic Process.mapp file)1
00:24, 14 December 2013MAPPFinder Results EB to RB Rifampicin 20131212-Criterion1-GO (1).xls (file)378 KBDwilliams (EB to RB Rif Decreased)1
00:24, 14 December 2013MAPPFinder Results EB to RB Rifampicin 20131212-Criterion0-GO (1).xls (file)373 KBDwilliams (EB to RB Rif Increased)1
00:22, 14 December 2013EB to RB No Rif 20131207 KS DW-Criterion1-GO.xls (file)371 KBDwilliams (EB to RB No Rif decreased)1
00:22, 14 December 2013EB to RB No Rif 20131207 KS DW-Criterion0-GO.xls (file)368 KBDwilliams (EB to RB No Rif Increased)1
23:34, 13 December 2013Final Excel Sheet Used for Project.xls (file)20.84 MBDwilliams (Final excel sheet used for project. Includes all raw data, all EB to RB ratios in the presence and absence of rifampicin, statistical analysis of that data, for GenMAPP data, and all charts and tables used for GO terms and summaries of data.)1
19:37, 5 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131205 KS.gmf (file)4.7 MBDwilliams (File created by MAPPFinder after creating the latest color set.)1
19:36, 5 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131205 KS.gex (file)476 KBDwilliams (Color set created in GenMAPP for EB to RB no rifampicin and increased/decreased logFC criteria)1
19:31, 5 December 2013EB to RB No Rif V2-Criterion1-GO.txt (file)134 KBDwilliams (Deceased)1
19:31, 5 December 2013EB to RB No Rif V2-Criterion0-GO.txt (file)129 KBDwilliams (Increased)1
18:10, 5 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131204 (file)521 BDwilliams (Access file created with .gex file)1
18:07, 5 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131204 KS.gmf (file)3.36 MBDwilliams (For GenMAPP .gmf file)1
18:07, 5 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131204 KS.gex (file)476 KBDwilliams (For_GenMAPP .gex file)1
18:06, 5 December 2013CTrachomatis EBtoRB Rifampicin 20131204 DW-Criterion1-GO.txt (file)139 KBDwilliams (EB to RB Rifampicin go.txt file)1
18:06, 5 December 2013Ctrachomatis EbtoRB glucose catabolic process 20131204 DW.mapp (file)180 KBDwilliams (EB to RB glucose catabolic process map)1
18:06, 5 December 2013Ctrachomatis EbtoRb ATP metabolic process.mapp (file)180 KBDwilliams (EB to RB ATP Metabolic Process Mapp file)1
20:00, 3 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131203 DW.xls (file)20.51 MBDwilliams (Excel Spreadsheet with sheet for GenMAPP (final version that was run in GenMAPP).)1
08:32, 3 December 2013Master Spreadsheet Chlamydia V1 20131125 DW.xls (file)31.15 MBDwilliams (Master Spreadsheet final version, after meeting with Dahlquist -- finished by Dillon Williams)1
18:21, 26 November 2013Sdrf information excel.xls (file)37 KBDwilliams (sdrf information in excel spreadsheet.)1
17:06, 26 November 2013Final Master Spreadsheet.xls (file)10.14 MBDwilliams (Final Master SpreadSheet: Includes renamed columns, and statistics.)1
01:30, 22 November 2013Master Spreadsheet.xls (file)15.75 MBDwilliams 1
18:39, 19 November 2013Other information dChip screenshot.PNG (file)34 KBDwilliams 1
18:39, 19 November 2013Options dChip screenshot.PNG (file)34 KBDwilliams 1
18:39, 19 November 2013Data Files dChip Screenshot.PNG (file)36 KBDwilliams 1
17:59, 14 November 2013Raw Data DW V1 12112013 E-GEOD-39530.sdrf.txt (file)15 KBDwilliams (SDRF.TXT)1
17:58, 14 November 2013Raw Data DW V1 12112013 (file)25.52 MBDwilliams (
17:58, 14 November 2013Raw Data DW V1 12112013 (file)4.18 MBDwilliams (
17:58, 14 November 2013Raw Data DW V1 12112013 E-GEOD-39530.idf.txt (file)4 KBDwilliams (IDF.TXT)1
17:58, 14 November 2013Raw Data DW V1 12112013 A-GEOD-4692.adf.txt (file)2.66 MBDwilliams (ADF.TXT)1
07:59, 12 November 2013C.trachomatis Genome Paper KS HD DW 20131112.pdf (file)1.02 MBDwilliams 1
18:38, 7 November 2013E-GEOD-39530 Extracted Microarray Sample-Description V1 DW 2013117.txt (file)15 KBDwilliams 3
18:25, 7 November 2013Week 11 Class Notes.JPG (file)1.84 MBDwilliams 1
18:20, 7 November 2013A-GEOD-4692 Exposition of terms in data DW 2013117.txt (file)2.68 MBDwilliams (Exposition of gene ID's in CT, Gene ID names, Functions of Genes. In Excel format.)1
18:34, 5 November 2013PNAS-2012-Omsland-19781-5.pdf (file)448 KBDwilliams (Omsland PDF)1
17:59, 5 November 2013Infect. Immun.-2005-Carlson-6407-18.pdf (file)678 KBDwilliams 1
02:14, 25 October 2013Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 7.13.54 PM.png (file)31 KBDwilliams (Column 2)1
02:13, 25 October 2013Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 7.13.32 PM.png (file)32 KBDwilliams (Column 1)1
02:01, 25 October 2013Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 7.01.11 PM.png (file)13 KBDwilliams (Results from Tally)1
16:31, 24 October 2013Vc-Std dwilliams-20131022-gmb2b70.gdb (file)25.48 MBDwilliams (Uploaded exported GDB file.)1
19:53, 17 October 2013Filtered Results for Increased DW-Criterion0-GO.xls (file)416 KBDwilliams 1
19:35, 17 October 2013Dillon Williams.mapp (file)180 KBDwilliams 1
16:55, 17 October 2013Increased DW-Criterion0-GO.xls (file)413 KBDwilliams 1
17:46, 15 October 2013Increased DW-Criterion0-GO.xls.txt (file)145 KBDwilliams 1
17:46, 15 October 2013Increased DW-Criterion0-GO.txt (file)149 KBDwilliams 1
17:31, 10 October 2013Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio Dillon Williams.txt (file)1.16 MBDwilliams 1
17:31, 10 October 2013Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio Dillon Williams.xls (file)8.54 MBDwilliams 1

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