Laboratory Journal
Collecting Files
- Signed off on closing Imp-Export cycle 1 due to updated files and unclear documentation
- Created section for I-E2, started with TIGR4
- Downloaded GenMapp Builder 2.0b71
- Found UniProt Complete Proteome [1]
- Downloaded XML file from [2]
- Named XML file: 20131118_UniProtXML_tATK_TIGR4_TPV.xml
- Went to [3] to download goa file
- Followed link to proteomes directory [4]
- Downloaded the goa file for: 57.S_pneumoniae_TIGR4.goa
- Went to [5] to download go-obo file
- Went to beta version and downloaded the obo-xml.gz file
- Extracted using 7zip
- Could not find version information, only showed the date it was downloaded in properties
- Renamed 20131118_OBOXML_tATK_TPV.obo-xml
- Uploaded compressed file to wiki: Media:20131118_OBOXML_tATK_TPV.gz
Import-Export Process
- Launched pgAdminIII
- Logged in with password
- Created new database: tATK_TIGR4_2013NOV18
- opened SQL window and opened gmbuilder.sql
- Executed file
- Created the 159 tables expected
- Verified 2.0b71 was the most updated version of gmbuilder
- Launched gmbuilder-32bit.bat
- Connected with database created earlier
- Imported XML file: 20131118_UniProtXML_tATK_TIGR4_TPV.xml
- Imported and processed obo-xml file: 20131118_OBOXML_tATK_TPV.obo-xml
- Imported goa file: 20131118_GOA_tATK_TIGR4_TPV.goa
- Exported as 20131118_E2_tATK_TIGR4.gdb
Collecting files
- Verified that goa and XML files had not been updated
- Downloaded Nov. 20, 2013 obo-xml file from [6]
- created new database in pgAdminIII called tATK_TIGR4_2013NOV20
- Executed gmbuilder.sql (the new version, see bellow) in SQL
- Verified success by the 159 tables created
Import-Export Cycle
- Opened new version of gmbuilder-32bit.bat
- Connected to database created earlier
- Imported UniProt XML file: 20131118_UniProtXML_tATK_TIGR4_TPV.xml
- Imported the obo-xml file: 20131120_OBOXML_tATK_TPV.obo-xml
- Imported the goa file: 20131118_GOA_tATK_TIGR4_TPV.goa
- Exported to 20131120_E3_tATK_TIGR4.gdb
gmbuilder coding in class
- Checked out gmbuilder in eclipse, labeled it tATK_gmbuilder3
- Edited in the src folder to include the appropriate species id of 170189 and gene identifier of
- Copied over dist folder (what Dondi called the baby gmbuilder) onto my flash drive
- Will use for additional export cycle.
Microarray Data
- Verified that all gene IDs matched for different column
- Deleted Gene IDs except for the first column
- In the microarray data:
- SP#### is used for TIGR4
- SPN#### is used for G54
- spr#### is used for R6
- Various other formats exist for controls
- Gene names for TIGR4 database are as SP_####
Future Steps
Export, check for custom link, load microarray data
Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Import Export Cycle 1: tATK Export One: TIGR4 Testing Report
- Import Export Cycle 2: tATK E2: TIGR4 Testing Report
- Import Export Cycle 3: tATK E3: TIGR4 Testing Report
- Import Export Cycle 4: tATK E4: TIGR4 Testing Report
- Data Information
- Kmeilak Week 10, Kmeilak Week 11, Kmeilak Week 12, Kmeilak Week 13
- Taur.vil Week 10, Taur.vil Week 11, Taur.vil Week 12, Taur.vil Week 13, Taur.vil Week 14, Taur.vil Week 15
- Ajvree Week 10, Ajvree Week 11, Ajvree Week 12, Ajvree Week 13, Ajvree Week 14, Ajvree Week 15