Vkuehn Week 10
From LMU BioDB 2013
Annotated Bibliography of Genomics Papers for your Species
- In order to find these articles I used the link given to us below.
- I mostly used PubMed and Web of Science as databases to narrow down the search. When I found the reference genome article it was using PubMed. This article was later approved from Kevin.\
- Another helpful tool in finding papers with the correct data was the Array Express database. This allows the search for papers about a specific genome and describes the data type in a column next to the article title.
Reference Genome Article:
- Genomic Organization of Leishmania Species
Possible Research Articles:
- Comparative genomic analysis of three Leishmania species that cause diverse human disease
- This article was found using PubMed as well, I searched genome and the species name and found this one especuially interesting because it analyzed the human disease capabilities of the parasite.
- Putting the Leishmania genome to work: functional genomics by transposon trapping and expression profiling
http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=CitingArticles&qid=12&SID=2AKsr1uNooYKvjLhKkf&page=1&doc=3&cacheurlFromRightClick=no http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1692916/pdf/11839181.pdf
- This article was found using Web of Knowledge. I found this paper interesting as well because it also looked at the genome and which part may be involved in causing disease. I am not sure if the data will be accessible though.
- Template:vkuehn
- Viktoria Kuehn
- Week 1 Assignment
- Class Journal 1
- Week 2 Assignment
- Class Journal 2
- Vkuehn Week 2
- Week 3 Assignment
- Class Journal 3
- Vkuehn Week 3
- Week 4 Assignment
- Class Journal 4
- Vkuehn Week 4
- Week 5 Assignment
- Vkuehn Week 5
- Ensembl Database
- Week 6 Assignment
- Class Journal 6
- Vkuehn Week 6
- Week 7 Assignment
- Class Journal 7
- Vkuehn Week 7
- Week 8 Assignment
- Class Journal 8
- Vkuehn Week 8
- Leishmania major
- Week 9 Assignment
- Class Journal 9
- Vkuehn Week 9
- Week 10 Assignment
- Class Journal 10
- Vkuehn Week 10
- Leishmania major
- Week 11 Assignment
- Vkuehn Week 11
- Leishmania major Genome Reference Article Presentation
- Vkuehn Week 12
- Week 12 Assignment
- Leishmania major Week 12 Status Report
- Vkuehn Week 13
- Week 13 Assignment
- Vkuehn Week 15
- Week 15 Assignment
- Vkuehn Individual Assessment and Reflection