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(finalized second paper details)
(Annotated Bibliography of Genomics Papers for your Species)
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===Annotated Bibliography of Genomics Papers for your Species===
===Annotated Bibliography of Genomics Papers for your Species===
In order to find these articles I used the link given to us below.  
:In order to find these articles I used the link given to us below.  
I mostly used PubMed and Web of Science as databases to narrow down the search. When I found the reference genome article it was using PubMed. This article was later approved from Kevin.  
:I mostly used PubMed and Web of Science as databases to narrow down the search. When I found the reference genome article it was using PubMed. This article was later approved from Kevin.\
:Another helpful tool in finding papers with the correct data was the Array Express database. This allows the search for papers about a specific genome and describes the data type in a column next to the article title.
==Reference Genome Article:==
==Reference Genome Article:==
*Genomic Organization of Leishmania Species
*Genomic Organization of Leishmania Species

Latest revision as of 17:13, 31 October 2013

[edit] Annotated Bibliography of Genomics Papers for your Species

In order to find these articles I used the link given to us below.


I mostly used PubMed and Web of Science as databases to narrow down the search. When I found the reference genome article it was using PubMed. This article was later approved from Kevin.\
Another helpful tool in finding papers with the correct data was the Array Express database. This allows the search for papers about a specific genome and describes the data type in a column next to the article title.

[edit] Reference Genome Article:

  • Genomic Organization of Leishmania Species


[edit] Possible Research Articles:

  • Comparative genomic analysis of three Leishmania species that cause diverse human disease


  • This article was found using PubMed as well, I searched genome and the species name and found this one especuially interesting because it analyzed the human disease capabilities of the parasite.
  • Putting the Leishmania genome to work: functional genomics by transposon trapping and expression profiling

http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=CitingArticles&qid=12&SID=2AKsr1uNooYKvjLhKkf&page=1&doc=3&cacheurlFromRightClick=no http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1692916/pdf/11839181.pdf

  • This article was found using Web of Knowledge. I found this paper interesting as well because it also looked at the genome and which part may be involved in causing disease. I am not sure if the data will be accessible though.
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