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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
03:13, 13 December 2013LeishmaniaCompiledStatAnalysis(C).txt (file)97 KBVkuehn 1
18:33, 3 December 2013L.infantumStats B.xls (file)17.33 MBVkuehn 1
18:55, 21 November 2013L.majorStats.xls (file)16.17 MBVkuehn 1
18:59, 19 November 2013L.majorCompiledRawData C.txt (file)1.03 MBVkuehn 1
18:48, 19 November 2013LmjSampleInfo.PNG (file)26 KBVkuehn 1
18:03, 19 November 2013L.majorCompiledRawData B.txt (file)2.95 MBVkuehn 1
18:32, 14 November 2013L.majorCompiledRawData.txt (file)2.73 MBVkuehn 1
18:28, 14 November 2013E-GEOD-10407.sdrf C.txt (file)3 KBVkuehn 1
06:54, 12 November 2013Leishmania major BD.pdf (file)1.09 MBVkuehn 1
17:28, 31 October 2013Leishmania MajorReferenceArticle.xml.fixed.pdf (file)706 KBVkuehn 1
18:14, 24 October 2013OriginalCounts.PNG (file)26 KBVkuehn 1
18:04, 24 October 2013Rows.PNG (file)5 KBVkuehn 1
17:41, 24 October 2013Tallies.PNG (file)27 KBVkuehn 1
17:40, 24 October 2013Vc-Std VK20131022.gdb (file)25.55 MBVkuehn 1
20:48, 19 October 2013FilteredGenesVK.PNG (file)63 KBVkuehn 1
20:39, 19 October 2013Increased VK-Criterion0-GOFiltered.xls (file)559 KBVkuehn 1
20:32, 19 October 2013Increased VK-Criterion0-GO-2013-10-17-Criterion0-GO.txt (file)207 KBVkuehn 1
20:22, 19 October 2013PNP VIBCH Backpage.txt (file)2 KBVkuehn 2
19:14, 19 October 2013MostrelevantpVK.PNG (file)99 KBVkuehn 1
19:05, 19 October 2013ExpressiondatasetVK.PNG (file)244 KBVkuehn 1
18:58, 19 October 2013MerrellVK.mapp (file)180 KBVkuehn 1
18:55, 19 October 2013Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio VK 2013.10.15.EX.xls (file)2.01 MBVkuehn 1
18:53, 19 October 2013Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio VK 2013.10.15.EX.txt (file)1.19 MBVkuehn 1
18:48, 19 October 2013Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio VK 2013.10.15.gex (file)1.86 MBVkuehn 1
17:33, 10 October 2013VK Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio.xls (file)8.55 MBVkuehn 1
17:30, 10 October 2013VK Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio.txt (file)1.16 MBVkuehn 1
04:01, 27 September 2013Second EBI database.png.png (file)240 KBVkuehn 1
04:00, 27 September 2013First EBI database.png (file)143 KBVkuehn 1
03:43, 27 September 2013Screen Shot 2013-09-26 at 8.53.20 PM.png (file)92 KBVkuehn 1
18:51, 5 September 2013CV2Viktoria Kuehn.pdf (file)199 KBVkuehn (CV)1
18:21, 5 September 2013MonsterScientists.JPG (file)156 KBVkuehn 1

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