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(Inserted HMH template and my template with links.)
(December 3, 2015 thru December 8, 2015: updated file link)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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**Ensured that I had 11520 Gene IDs; in which the last row which had a "Gene ID" as its label was changed to the correct Gene ID that is "SO4357."
**Ensured that I had 11520 Gene IDs; in which the last row which had a "Gene ID" as its label was changed to the correct Gene ID that is "SO4357."
**Once all the necessary changes were made and I had touched base with my partner Emily on Sunday and Monday, I had uploaded the file for splitting by Dr. Dahlquist: [[File:UpdatedCompiledRawData Shewanella RARL 20151201 HMH.xlsx]]
**Once all the necessary changes were made and I had touched base with my partner Emily on Sunday and Monday, I had uploaded the file for splitting by Dr. Dahlquist: [[File:UpdatedCompiledRawData Shewanella RARL 20151201 HMH.xlsx]]
*Split data was received and posted as a file on our team's file page by Dr. Dahlquist: [[UpdatedCompiledRawData_Shewanella_RARL_20151201_HMH_forsplitting.xlsx]]
*Split data was received and posted as a file on our team's file page by Dr. Dahlquist: [[File:UpdatedCompiledRawData Shewanella RARL 20151201 HMH forsplitting.xlsx]]
**Downloaded this file and copied the sheets of data into a new Excel file entitled ''StatisticalAnalysis Shewanella RARL 20151207 HMH''
**Downloaded this file and copied the sheets of data into a new Excel file entitled ''StatisticalAnalysis Shewanella RARL 20151207 HMH''
**Created a new sheet called Averages
***Averaged together the replicate data from the two spots that are now split and used the equation <code>=AVERAGE(C2,AG2)</code> under the column for C0 replicate 1
[[File:StatisticalAnalysis Shewanella RARL 20151207 HMH.xlsx]]
***Used excel to copy this equation to the entire column and get a derivative of the equation copied for the other columns of averages for each replicate
**Created a new sheet called Statistics
You now need to do the following:
***Copied and pasted values from the Averages sheet into this new sheet
# Average together the replicate data from the two spots that are now split.  This means that you need to average the "Log2FC-C0-rep1-scaledandcentered" in cell C2 with the value in cell AG2, for example.
***Computed the average of the biological replicates for each treatment, biological average was calculated with the following equation for C0: <code>=AVERAGE(C2:F2)</code> and a derivative of this equation was used for every timepoint.
# Copy and paste special > paste values into a new sheet called "statistics".
***Calculated the average log ratios of C5/C0, C20/C0, C60/C0, F5/C60, F20/C60, and F60/C60
# Compute the average of the biological replicates for each treatment and timepoint.  For example, average together all four biological replicates for Log2FC-C0.  Repeat for each timepoint.
****Since its in log space, I just needed to subtract the average from the C5 to the average from the C0.
# Compute the ratio of the average log ratios so that you have values for the Average Log Ratio of C5/C0, C20/C0, C60/C0, F5/C60, F20/C60, and F60/C60).  Since this is in log space, to take the ratio, you will actually subtract instead of divide.
***Performed a two-sample T test between C5 and C0, C20 and C0, C60 and C0, F5 and C60, and so on:
# Perform a two-sample T test between C5 and C0, C20 and C0, C60 and C0, F5 and C60, etc.  Use the equation:
  =TTEST(<range of cells containing the biological replicates for C0>, <range of cells containing the biological replicates for C5>, 2,3]
  =TTEST(<range of cells containing the biological replicates for C0>, <range of cells containing the biological replicates for C5>, 2,3]
: This will return the p value.  Send me the link to the file at this point so I can check the results.  You can also perform the sanity check.  Let me know how it goes.
: This will returned the p value and uploaded the file to the team's file page to be reviewed by Dr. Dahlquist, while performing a sanity check: [[File:StatisticalAnalysis Shewanella RARL 20151207 HMH.xlsx]]
914 instances of error "#DIV/0!" replaced with a blank cell.
*# Sort the data A-->Z based on the "ID" column.  Delete all rows that have an ID of "Blank", "blank", "gDNA", start with "NC-", start with "ORF".  Record how many rows got deleted.
*# Some of your cells are going to have error messages in them because of the previous calculations you did. Find and replace all of these with nothing, record how many cells that is.
*# Create a new worksheet called "ScalingCentering" and copy and paste special all of your data into this new sheet.  [http://www.openwetware.org/wiki/BIOL398-01/S10:Sample_Microarray_Analysis_Vibrio_cholerae#Normalize_the_log_ratios_for_the_set_of_slides_in_the_experiment You will perform the scaling and centering operations like you did for the ''Vibrio cholerae'' data.]
*#* Once you have done this, e-mail Dr. Dahlquist and provide a link to your file.  Your microarray data has duplicated spots.  I have a script that will separate these out so that you can average them as technical replicates.
*# Create a new worksheet called "Statistics", copy and paste the values into this new sheet.
*# You will average the technical replicate spots for each sample to get one value for each sample.
*# You will average the biological replicates for each timepoint to get an average for each timepoint (C0, C5, C20, C60, F5, F20, F60).
*# You will take the ratio of the average log ratios so that you have values for the Average Log Ratio of C5/C0, C20/C0, C60/C0, F5/C60, F20/C60, and F60/C60).  Since this is in log space, to take the ratio, you will actually subtract instead of divide.
*# You will perform a two-sample T test between C5 and C0, C20 and C0, C60 and C0, F5 and C60, etc. and perform the Bonferroni and Benjamini and Hochberg corrections on these p values.  This computation is not the same as what we did for ''Vibrio''.  Instead you will use the <code>TTEST</code> function in Excel (see me when you are ready to do this).  The corrections will be the same as what you did before.
*# After that, then you will need to then format the data for GenMAPP and you'll be ready to import it into GenMAPP and run MAPPFinder.
* Let me know if you have any questions.
= External Links =
= External Links =

Latest revision as of 07:39, 8 December 2015


Shewanella oneidensis

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Ron Legaspi Week 11 Week 12 Week 14 Week 15
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Goals for Week 14

Data Preparation and Statistical Analysis

  1. Create a Master Raw Data file that contains the IDs and columns of data required for further analysis.
  2. Consult with Dr. Dahlquist on how to process the data (normalization, statistics)
  3. Perform the statistical analysis in Excel.
  4. Format the gene expression data for import into GenMAPP.

Summary of Progress and Procedure

Compiling Raw Data and Statistical Analysis

December 1, 2015 through December 3, 2015

Referencing the Week 12 Feedback provided by Dr. Dahlquist, I was able to begin compiling the raw data on single Excel File:

  • Created an Excel File and named file Raw Data Shewanella RARL 20151201
  • Sheet 1 was entitled CompiledRawData Sheet:
    • Column 1 = Gene ID
    • Column 2 = MasterIndex (numbered from 1 to 11520)
    • The rest of the columns was log data taken from the 0, 5, 20, and 60 time points respectively
      • 7 timepoints total (C0, C5, C20, C60, F5, F20, F60) and 4 replicates total; therefore, 28 total columns of data
  • Created a MasterSheet and copied information from CompiledRawData Sheet into this new sheet
    • Sorted the Gene ID's in alphabetical order (A-Z) and deleted the rows that contained an ID of Blank, blank, gDNA, NC-, or ORF resulting in the deletion of 705 rows.
    • Deleted the cells that contained the error message of #NUM! which resulted in the deletion of 2,118 cells.
    • Deleted the cells that contained the error message of #DIV/0! which resulted in the deletion of 23 cells.
  • Created a ScalingCentering Sheet
    • Copied over data from the MasterSheet
    • Added two rows right below the title row to represent the calculations for the Average and the Standard Deviation of each column
    • For the Scaled and Centered Columns of data, typed the equation =(C4-C$2)/C$3 in the first cell under scaled and centered column for replicate 1 at timepoint C0, and used Excel functions in order to scale and center the rest of the data with the equation as a template.
  • Sent this file to Dr. Dahlquist to split the data to get rid of duplicates: File:Raw Data Shewanella RARL 20151201.xlsx

December 3, 2015 thru December 8, 2015

Discrepancies and issues arose with data between my partner Emily Simso and I that were brought to our attention by Dr. Dahlquist; thus, a review of the compiled raw data needed to be done in order for our Excel Sheets to match and to continue on with statistical analysis:

  • Repeated procedure from File:Raw Data Shewanella RARL 20151201.xlsx; however, feedback from Dr. Dahlquist was kept in mind and created a new Excel file called UpdatedCompiledRawData Shewanella RARL 20151201 HMH
    • Correct set of timepoints were used in my previous Excel file so no changes were needed to be done there
    • Ensured that I had 11520 Gene IDs; in which the last row which had a "Gene ID" as its label was changed to the correct Gene ID that is "SO4357."
    • Once all the necessary changes were made and I had touched base with my partner Emily on Sunday and Monday, I had uploaded the file for splitting by Dr. Dahlquist: File:UpdatedCompiledRawData Shewanella RARL 20151201 HMH.xlsx
  • Split data was received and posted as a file on our team's file page by Dr. Dahlquist: File:UpdatedCompiledRawData Shewanella RARL 20151201 HMH forsplitting.xlsx
    • Downloaded this file and copied the sheets of data into a new Excel file entitled StatisticalAnalysis Shewanella RARL 20151207 HMH
    • Created a new sheet called Averages
      • Averaged together the replicate data from the two spots that are now split and used the equation =AVERAGE(C2,AG2) under the column for C0 replicate 1
      • Used excel to copy this equation to the entire column and get a derivative of the equation copied for the other columns of averages for each replicate
    • Created a new sheet called Statistics
      • Copied and pasted values from the Averages sheet into this new sheet
      • Computed the average of the biological replicates for each treatment, biological average was calculated with the following equation for C0: =AVERAGE(C2:F2) and a derivative of this equation was used for every timepoint.
      • Calculated the average log ratios of C5/C0, C20/C0, C60/C0, F5/C60, F20/C60, and F60/C60
        • Since its in log space, I just needed to subtract the average from the C5 to the average from the C0.
      • Performed a two-sample T test between C5 and C0, C20 and C0, C60 and C0, F5 and C60, and so on:
=TTEST(<range of cells containing the biological replicates for C0>, <range of cells containing the biological replicates for C5>, 2,3]
This will returned the p value and uploaded the file to the team's file page to be reviewed by Dr. Dahlquist, while performing a sanity check: File:StatisticalAnalysis Shewanella RARL 20151207 HMH.xlsx

External Links

Ron Legaspi
BIOL 367, Fall 2015

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