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(Creation of Week 12 page and initial notes about how to process data.)
(Inserting heavy metal haterz template.)
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= GenMAPP User Milestones =
= GenMAPP User Milestones =

Revision as of 23:35, 19 November 2015


Shewanella oneidensis

Our Gene Database Testing Report

Group Paper - File:Final Report 20151218 2 HMH.docx

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Gene Database Project Links
Overview Deliverables Reference Format Guilds Project Manager GenMAPP User Quality Assurance Coder
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Individual Journal Entries
Mary Alverson Week 11 Week 12 Week 14 Week 15
Emily Simso Week 11 Week 12 Week 14 Week 15
Ron Legaspi Week 11 Week 12 Week 14 Week 15
Josh Kuroda Week 11 Week 12 Week 14 Week 15

GenMAPP User Milestones

Milestone 1: Startup from Original Microarray Paper and Data

  1. Download microarray data in its “rawest” form that you can find. (Consult with Dr. Dahlquist about this.)
  2. Verify that the gene IDs in the microarray data match the chosen species and strain that is being used to create the .gdb. (Needs to be done in conjunction with the QA and Coder.)
  3. File management: on your team's home page
    • Link to the source of the microarray data
    • Upload the microarray data files to the wiki

Milestone 2: Data Preparation

  1. Create a table or list that shows the correspondence between the samples in the experiment and the files you have downloaded.
  2. Determine how many biological or technical replicates, and which samples were labeled with Cy3 or Cy5.
  3. Create a Master Raw Data file that contains the IDs and columns of data required for further analysis.
  4. Consult with Dr. Dahlquist on how to process the data (normalization, statistics)

Milestone 3: On-going Analysis Cycle

This milestone represents the on-going work of the GenMAPP user, as the project gradually converges toward a final version of its gene database and compares its own results to the results in the original microarray paper. (Note: These milestones may continue on to Week 13.)

  1. Perform the statistical analysis in Excel.
  2. Format the gene expression data for import into GenMAPP.
  3. Import data into GenMAPP, create ColorSets, and run MAPPFinder.
  4. Document and take notes on test runs with GenMAPP.
    • Use the EX.txt file to help the Coder/Quality Assurance team members to validate the .gdb.
  5. Do a journal club outline of the paper so that you can use it in the Discussion section of your group report and your final presentation.
  6. Create a .mapp file showing one pathway that is changed in your data.

Summary of Progress

  • During the Thursday class period (11/19/2015), Dr. Dahlquist went over an interpretation of how the paper writers acquired microarray data; in addition, Dr. Dahlquist explained an approach we would need to take in order to extract and to process the raw data from the files in order to be used for normalization and statistical analysis.
    1. Dr. Dahlquist Notes:
      1. Page 1 - Media:DrDDataProcessNotes1 20151119 HMH.JPG
      2. Page 2 - Media:DrDDataProcessNotes2 20151119 HMH.JPG

Ron Legaspi
BIOL 367, Fall 2015

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