Bklein7 Week 2
From LMU BioDB 2015
Electronic Lab Notebook
- Write out the complementary strand of DNA below the strand shown and be sure to label the 5’ and 3’ ends of the complementary strand.
- In writing the complimentary strand...
- Begin with the 3' and end with the 5' labels, as this strand will run antiparallel to the existing DNA strand.
- Use the rules of complimentary base pairing for DNA (A pairs with T; C pairs with G) to write the complimentary nucleotide sequence.
- The final product can be seen below:
- In writing the complimentary strand...
5’-cgtatgctaataccatgttccgcgtataacccagccgccagttccgctggcggcatttta-3’ 3'-gcatacgattatggtacaaggcgcatattgggtcggcggtcaaggcgaccgccgtaaaat-5'
- Using the genetic code, translate all possible reading frames of this DNA sequence.
- In order to translate the DNA sequence, we must first write out the mRNA transcripts of each DNA strand:
- Simply copy the DNA sequences, but replace every "T" in the sequence with a "U".
- The final product can be seen below:
- In order to translate the DNA sequence, we must first write out the mRNA transcripts of each DNA strand:
5’-cguaugcuaauaccauguuccgcguauaacccagccgccaguuccgcuggcggcauuuua-3’ 3'-gcauacgauuaugguacaaggcgcauauugggucggcggucaaggcgaccgccguaaaau-5'
- There are six possible reading frames that can be used to translate these mRNA strands.
- For the +1 reading frame, take the top strand (which is read 5' to 3' as is) and divide it into trinucleotides-treating the first three nucleotides as the first codon
- +1: 5’-cgu aug cua aua cca ugu ucc gcg uau aac cca gcc gcc agu ucc gcu ggc ggc auu uua-3’
- Next, use the genetic code to translate each trinucleotide into an amino acid. In writing the polypeptide, begin with the N-terminus and end with the C-terminus. The result is as follows: N-ter-R M L I P C S A Y N P A A S S A G G I L-C-ter
- For the +2 reading frame, ignore the first nucleotide in the sequence, and then divide the remaining sequence into trinucleotides
- +2: 5’-c gua ugc uaa uac cau guu ccg cgu aua acc cag ccg cca guu ccg cug gcg gca uuu ua-3’
- Translate the polypeptide, stopping transcription when a "stop codon" is reached: N-ter-V C (stop)-C-ter
- For the +3 reading frame, ignore the first two nucleotides in the sequence, and then divide the remaining sequence into trinucleotides
- +3: 5’-cg uau gcu aau acc aug uuc cgc gua uaa ccc agc cgc cag uuc cgc ugg cgg cau uuu a-3’
- Translation: N-ter-Y A N T M F R V (stop)-C-ter
- For the -1 reading frame, begin by reversing the bottom mRNA strand so that it reads 5' to 3'. Then divide it into trinucleotides:
- -1: 5'-uaa aau gcc gcc agc gga acu ggc ggc ugg guu aua cgc gga aca ugg uau uag cau acg-3'
- Translation: No protein synthesized; first codon within this reading frame is a stop codon
- For the -2 reading frame, redivide the -1 reading frame so that the first nucleotide in the sequence is ignored:
- -2: 5'-u aaa aug ccg cca gcg gaa cug gcg gcu ggg uua uac gcg gaa cau ggu auu agc aua cg-3'
- Translation: N-ter-K M P P A E L A A G L Y A E H G I S I-C-ter
- For the -3 reading frame, redivide the -2 reading frame so that the first two nucleotides in the sequence are ignored:
- -3: 5'-ua aaa ugc cgc cag cgg aac ugg cgg cug ggu uau acg cgg aac aug gua uua gca uac g-3'
- Translation: N-ter-K C R Q R N W R L G Y T R N M V L A Y-C-ter
- For the +1 reading frame, take the top strand (which is read 5' to 3' as is) and divide it into trinucleotides-treating the first three nucleotides as the first codon
- Which of the reading frames (if any) of the reading frames you translated is an open reading frame, i.e., does not contain a stop codon?
- The +1, -2, and -3 reading frames did not contain any stop codons. Therefore, these reading frames are considered "open".
Assignment Answers
The Genetic Code
DNA & mRNA Sequences
- DNA Strands
5’-cgtatgctaataccatgttccgcgtataacccagccgccagttccgctggcggcatttta-3’ 3'-gcatacgattatggtacaaggcgcatattgggtcggcggtcaaggcgaccgccgtaaaat-5'
- mRNA Strands
5’-cguaugcuaauaccauguuccgcguauaacccagccgccaguuccgcuggcggcauuuua-3’ 3'-gcauacgauuaugguacaaggcgcauauugggucggcggucaaggcgaccgccguaaaau-5'
Reading Frames
- +1
mRNA: 5’-cgu aug cua aua cca ugu ucc gcg uau aac cca gcc gcc agu ucc gcu ggc ggc auu uua-3’ Translation: N-ter-R M L I P C S A Y N P A A S S A G G I L-C-ter
- +2
mRNA: 5’-c gua ugc uaa uac cau guu ccg cgu aua acc cag ccg cca guu ccg cug gcg gca uuu ua-3’ Translation: N-ter-V C (stop)-C-ter
- +3
mRNA: 5’-cg uau gcu aau acc aug uuc cgc gua uaa ccc agc cgc cag uuc cgc ugg cgg cau uuu a-3’ Translation: N-ter-Y A N T M F R V (stop)-C-ter
- -1
mRNA: 5'-uaa aau gcc gcc agc gga acu ggc ggc ugg guu aua cgc gga aca ugg uau uag cau acg-3' Translation: No protein synthesized; first codon within this reading frame is a stop codon
- -2
mRNA: 5'-u aaa aug ccg cca gcg gaa cug gcg gcu ggg uua uac gcg gaa cau ggu auu agc aua cg-3' Translation: N-ter-K M P P A E L A A G L Y A E H G I S I-C-ter
- -3
mRNA: 5'-ua aaa ugc cgc cag cgg aac ugg cgg cug ggu uau acg cgg aac aug gua uua gca uac g-3' Translation: N-ter-K C R Q R N W R L G Y T R N M V L A Y-C-ter
- The following reading frames were open: +1, -2, and -3.
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