Bklein7 Week 8
From LMU BioDB 2015
Revision as of 23:37, 15 October 2015 by Bklein7 (Talk | contribs) (added link to current spreadsheet)
Overview of Microarray Data Analysis
Current Spreadsheet: File:Merrell Compiled Raw Data Vibrio BK 20151015.xls
Statistical Analysis of Vibrio cholerae Microarray Data (Part 1)
- Downloaded the [Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio.xls] file.
- Renamed the file to Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_BK_20151015.xls
Normalizing the log ratios for the set of slides in the experiment
- Copied data from the compiled_raw_data tab to a new tab, entitled scaled_centered
- Inserted two rows below the ID row, labelled Average and StDev.
- Average: Calculated the averages of the data in each column using the function
- Sample- for row B the function is
- Sample- for row B the function is
- StDev: Calculated the standard deviations of the data in each column using the function
- Sample- for row B the function is
- Sample- for row B the function is
- Average: Calculated the averages of the data in each column using the function
- Created a new series of columns for data sets A1-C4, adding the labels "_scaled_centered" (e.g. A1_scaled_centered)
- Wrote a function to normalize each value in the data set
- For the first value in column B (data set A1), the function was
- Extended this to all data values in the new scaled_centered columns
- For the first value in column B (data set A1), the function was
- Wrote a function to normalize each value in the data set
- Inserted two rows below the ID row, labelled Average and StDev.
- Created a new tab entitled statistics
- Copied over:
- The first column of gene ID values from the compiled_raw_data tab
- The _scaled_centered columns from the scaled_centered tab
- Deleted the blank Average and StDev rows
- Created a new series of columns
- Copied over:
MAPPFinder Analysis of Vibrio cholerae Microarray Data (Part 2)
- User Page: Brandon Klein
- Team Page: The Class Whoopers
Assignments Pages
- Week 1 Assignment
- Week 2 Assignment
- Week 3 Assignment
- Week 4 Assignment
- Week 5 Assignment
- Week 6 Assignment
- Week 7 Assignment
- Week 8 Assignment
- Week 9 Assignment
- Week 10 Assignment
- Week 11 Assignment
- Week 12 Assignment
- No Week 13 Assignment
- Week 14 Assignment
- Week 15 Assignment
Individual Journal Entries
- Week 1 Individual Journal
- Week 2 Individual Journal
- Week 3 Individual Journal
- Week 4 Individual Journal
- Week 5 Individual Journal
- Week 6 Individual Journal
- Week 7 Individual Journal
- Week 8 Individual Journal
- Week 9 Individual Journal
- Week 10 Individual Journal
- Week 11 Individual Journal
- Week 12 Individual Journal
- No Week 13 Journal
- Week 14 Individual Journal
- Week 15 Individual Journal
- Week 1 Class Journal
- Week 2 Class Journal
- Week 3 Class Journal
- Week 4 Class Journal
- Week 5 Class Journal
- Week 6 Class Journal
- Week 7 Class Journal
- Week 8 Class Journal
- Week 9 Class Journal
- Week 10 Team Journal
- Week 11 Team Journal
- Week 12 Team Journal
- No Week 13 Journal
- Week 14 Team Journal
- Week 15 Team Journal