CGDB: Circadian Gene DataBase
CGDB: Circadian Gene DataBase
General Information
- CGDB: Circadian Gene DataBase
- This is a circadian gene database.
- The database includes circadian gene DNA and protein sequences, model organisms specific to each circadian gene, clear descriptions of the circadian gene functions, and circadian gene tags specific to this database and other databases (Info found here:
- Circadian Gene DataBase is a secondary source of data.
- The data has been curated.
- The database utilizes human curation.
- The database utilizes in house staff.
- Info found here:
- The Cuckoo Workgroup Maintains the database.
- This is a private organization.
- This organization consists of a small lab group.
- Info found here:
- This organization is funded by:
- National Basic Research Program
- Natural Science Foundation of China
- International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China
- Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- Info found here:
Quality of Science
- Content Domain:
- The database contains over 72,800 experimentally verified genes with rhythmic expression (Info found here:
- The database owners point out that there is a lack of comprehensive databases which cycle genes across phyla and these owners claim to fill that need (Info found here:
- The species covered in the database include plants, animals, and fungi ( Info found here:
- Is the database content timely?
- There is a need in the scientific community for this database at this time due to the fact that disruptions in circadian rhythms have been possibly entwined with diseases and disorders such as but not limited to psychiatric disorders and cancer. (Info found here:
- This content is covered by other databases already, but not a comprehensive database for the circadian genes across phyla. (Info found here:
- The database first went online in 2004. (Info found here:
- The database is updated when new cycling genes are experimentally characterized. It appears that the database is updated monthly. (Info found here:
- The database was last updated October 1, 2017. (Info found here:
General Utility
- Are there links to other databases?
- This database contains links to other databases:
- Important note: not all of these links are successful(Info found here:
- Is it convenient to browse the data?
- The data is fairly convenient to browse. (Info found here:
- Is it convenient to download the data?
- The convenience of data depends on your preference. When downloading the data a new browser tab is opened with all of the protein sequences listed for each gene which is fairly easy to read. The only con is that you will have to copy and paste the data into another file to store it. (Info found here:
- All downloads come in the .txt format (
- A TXT file is a standard text document and does not have any formatted text (
- ”User Friendliness” of the website:
- Although the website is not especially visually pleasing, it is rather straight forward to navigate.(Info found here:
- The website contains a user guide which is easy to find and very straight forward.(Info found here:
- The search options are fairly sensible. It is possible to run a search query with broad keywords of species or genes in order to find what you are looking for, however a knowledge of what you are looking for is definitely required.(Info found here:
- When running a sample query of the keyword “human,” all of the genes with the homo sapiens tag show up, with their unique identifiers that allows the user to browse through the sequences of the circadian genes related to homo sapiens. These results make sense.(Info found here:
- There is not a license agreement for this website, however there is an article that users must cite if they are publish the results found on the website. (Info found here:
- The citation should read:
CGDB: a database of circadian genes in eukaryotes Shujing Li, Ke Shui, Ying Zhang, Yongqiang Lv, Wankun Deng, Shahid Ullah, Luoying Zhang and Yu Xue. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 10.1093/nar/gkw1028.
- The citation should read:
Summary Judgement
- We would direct a colleague unfamiliar with the field to use this database. It contains interesting information that is easily accessible.
- This is a professional database.
Electronic Journal
In completing this assignment, Simon and Hayden searched both the Nucleic Acid Research journal and the database itself for the answers to the specified questions.
- For the "General Information" section, two of the four answers came from the database itself. With a little searching, the information was readily available. The other two answers came from the article written about the database found in the Nucleic Acid Research journal.
- For the "Quality of Science" section, the first two answers were found quite quickly on the browse page of the website. The third question took a bit more searching on the site but we were able to find all the necessary information.
- For the "General Utility" section, the links were easy to find in the sources, which came as no surprise because the database was fairly easy to navigate. The convenience of downloading the data left a bit to be desired. This is because they had a great list of sequences which included links in the download page, but when clicked on any of the links... rather than downloading a file to your computer, it seemed to open a new browser page with a TXT file on it, containing the sequence. With all these things considered, we agreed that this database was overall pretty user friendly.
- Simon and Hayden worked together in person and over text multiple times to complete this assignment.
- Simon and Hayden utilized the CGDB: Circadian Gene DataBase to complete the requirements for this assignment.
- Simon and Hayden also used the Week 5 assignment page to make sure the assignment requirements were fulfilled.
- Although Simon and Hayden both utilized the sources above, the assignment was completed by Simon and Hayden entirely and not copied from another source.Hhinsch (talk) 15:02, 2 October 2017 (PDT)
- CGDB: a database of circadian genes in eukaryotes Shujing Li, Ke Shui, Ying Zhang, Yongqiang Lv, Wankun Deng, Shahid Ullah, Luoying Zhang and Yu Xue. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 10.1093/nar/gkw1028.
Simon Wroblewski
Contact Info:
- Phone: 240-818-2342
- e-mail:
- Mailing Address: Loyola Marymount University, 1 LMU Drive MSB-8129, Los Angeles, CA 90045-2659
- Expected 2019
- Computer Science
- Favorite Aspect
- It's capability to create and accomplish because this world is full of so much left to explore.
- Favorite Aspect
- Biology
- Favorite Aspect
- Gaining understanding of the world because I'm always so curious about it.
- Favorite Aspect
Upper Division Classes
Career Interests
- Software Development
- Game Design
Work Experience
- Simon Wroblewski's Resume Download (.docx)
- Ophthalmic Technician (May 2014 – Aug 2014)
- Cumberland Valley Retina Consultants in Hagerstown, MD and Chambersburg, PA
- Learned and used the “Carl Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT 5000” software to operate an optical coherence tomography machine to take photos of patient’s retinas
- Interfaced with the Windows XP software in the office to effectively send the photos I took to the correct office areas and interact often with the patients
- Cumberland Valley Retina Consultants in Hagerstown, MD and Chambersburg, PA
- Cashier (Jan 2015 – Sept 2015)
- Sodexo in Los Angeles, CA
- Worked for the Sodexo catering company on the Loyola Marymount Campus preparing and selling concessions, operating the cash register and bussing tables
- Sodexo in Los Angeles, CA
Personal Interests
Original Jaguar Painting to the right ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
- Hiking
- Fishing
- Gaming
- Watching Movies
- Science
- Engineering
- Art
- Skating
Class Information
List of Assignments
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15
List of Journal Entries
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15
- Template link
- Emma Tyrnauer (Team Member)
- Clarifications from both Dr. Dahlquist and Dr. Dionisio
- Style Tips from Quinn Lanners at Qlanners
- Instructions from this Wikipedia page
- Instructions from this Wikipedia page
- Instructions from this Wikipedia page
LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 1. Retrieved September4, 2017, from
Address: 1 Lmu Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045 United States
Hayden Hinsch
- 1 CGDB: Circadian Gene DataBase
- 2 Simon Wroblewski
- 3 List of Assignments
- 4 List of Journal Entries
- 5 List of Shared Journals
- 6 Hayden Hinsch
- 7 Education
- 8 Career Interests and Goals
- 9 Work Experience
- 10 Personal Interests/Hobbies
- 11 What is my favorite aspect of biology and why?
- 12 What is my favorite aspect of computer science and why?
- 13 Acknowledgements
- 14 References
- 15 Helpful Links
Major: Pre-medical/Psychology
Expected Graduation: May 2020
Upper Division Courses
- Biologival Databases(BIOL/CMSI 367-01)
- Psychological Research Methods(PSYC-2002-01)
- The Good Life(PHIL-3100-05/06)
- God and The Human Experience(THST-3236-02)
- Leadership Seminar I (EDLA-489-06)
Career Interests and Goals
- I hope to obtain my MD and work as a Psychiatrist who practices therapy. I am working towards entering a Marriage and Family Therapy program, then applying to medical school.
- Graduate with my Bachelors in Psychology and my Pre-medical requisites completed.
- Improve my mind, body, and soul on a daily basis.
Work Experience
Sunlife Organics
- Position Held: Manager February 2017-Present
- Organize and delegate employee tasks.
- Manage weekly produce and bulk supplement orders.
- Facilitate a healthy and accountable work environment for employees.
- Continually assist in recruiting potential employees.
The Portofino Hotel and Marina
- Position Held: Valet/Bellman/Concierge May 2014-February 2017
- Created and managed a concierge program tailored to guests.
- Valeted vehicles and performed bell services while fostering positive and courteous guest relations.
- Served as a stand-by front desk agent.
El Camino College
- Position Held: Student Ambassador July 2016-December 2017
- Assisted students in obtaining financial aid.
- Performed campus tours.
- Represented El Camino at various college fairs.
- Assisted students with various inquiries at the information desk.
New Life House Recovery Home for Young Men
- Position Held: House Manager August 2015-October 2015
- Held various extra curricular activities for adolescents struggling with substance abuse.
- Served as a mentor for adolescents struggling with substance abuse.
- Organized resident adolescent’s transportation and work schedules.
- Served as a behavioral analyst of resident adolescents.
- Below is a link to my ongoing Resume.
Personal Interests/Hobbies
- I enjoy anything that has to do with the ocean. I try to jump in the ocean(or some body of water if I'm not near the ocean) at least once a day. It helps me to relax and not take things so seriously.
- I also enjoy learning new things, I'm currently teaching myself how to play the Soprano Saxophone.
- It's difficult to list my hobbies; there are lots of them. I'd have to say that most of my life is filled with hobbies. Whether or not I classify them as hobbies on any given day usually has to do with the particular mood I'm in. I work out as a hobby, but I don't necessarily always want to.
- I also think Will Ferrell is hilarious.
What is my favorite aspect of biology and why?
- I love obtaining a deeper understanding of the subtleties of life. Biology helps me slow down and realize how much is really going on around me at all times!
What is my favorite aspect of computer science and why?
- Computer Science studies a whole other world of existence that I interact with everyday while rarely ever realizing its existence or acknowledging the amount of knowledge that goes into making my life easier.
- I worked with Blair Hamilton through text communication on multiple occasions in order to collaborate ideas regarding our user pages. I also looked at Blair's Page in order to find out how to produce an image on the top right corner of my user page.
- I directly utilized Quinn Lanners' format for the table of contents on my user page.
- The Week 1 assignment page for linking pages.
- The Week 1 assignment page for creating titles.
- The Week 1 assignment page for creating categories.
- This [Wiki] page for creating new pages and a web address.
While I worked with the people noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.Hhinsch (talk) 23:20, 4 September 2017 (PDT)
LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 1. Retrieved August 29, 2017, from
Helpful Links
CGDB: Circadian Gene DataBase Slide Deck
My Template
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 14
Week 15
Hayden's Individual Journal Entries
hhinsch Week 1
hhinsch Week 2
hhinsch Week 3
hhinsch Week 4
hhinsch Week 5
hhinsch Week 6
hhinsch Week 7
hhinsch Week 8
hhinsch Week 9
hhinsch Week 10
hhinsch Week 11
hhinsch Week 12
hhinsch Week 14
hhinsch Week 15
Page Desiigner Deliverables Page
Class Journal Entries
Class Journal Week 1
Class Journal Week 2
Class Journal Week 3
Class Journal Week 4
Class Journal Week 5
Class Journal Week 6
Class Journal Week 7
Class Journal Week 8
Class Journal Week 9
Class Journal Week 10
Page Desiigner