Johnllopez616 Individual Statement
[hide]Statement of Work
I organized a majority of the Journal Club Presentation and made most of the slides, with the exceptions of "Software Development is More Than Just Building Products", "Ford Shows Us How Modern Software Development Is Done", and "Software Development is an Ongoing Science". In the code, I created an XML parsing function and I wrote all the code pulling the data from NCBI and UniProt. For the presentation, I wrote and the "After the desired information was selected, it was pulled from the databases to be implemented on GRNsight." section. For the essay, I wrote most of the Materials and Methods section for the coders and the paragraph regarding the connection to the Paul Ford article in the conclusion. Finally, I wrote the entirety of the README file.
- The Week 11 presentation.
- The getGeneInformation() Code
- [[Media::Gene_hAPI_Group_Report.pdf | The group paper.]]
- The group presentation
Assessment of Project
Objective Assessment=
Given the timeline of the project and complications presented, I would say that within our group, we had effective teamwork and effective yet last minute workflow. I wish I had a better understanding of the process, since this was my first time working on a massive coding project like this. As the junior programmer, it felt difficult at times to keep up with Eddie and the JASPAR team until we reached the portion where we had to parse the data. I thought Eddie did a good job of helping me through the process. I wish I had communicated more with Dina and Corrine to update them as to what we were doing, but they did a good job at keeping us on track in terms of deliverables before the deadline. When it came to meeting to finish the deliverables, we did that well, but I wish we had submitted them earlier. However, given the fact this was during finals week, I was satisfied with what was accomplished.
What worked and what didn't work?
I felt that there was good collaboration between the coders of JASPAR and the API group. I felt that although it was hard to keep up with them at times, we helped each other out to finish our assignments. In addition, I felt that each member of our team submitted their portions of the assignment and did it well. In terms of what didn't work, I felt that our group could have been more prepared for the presentation and had better rehearsal. In addition, I felt a sense of rush to get the materials submitted at the last minute from the code to the presentation, and this created a lot of pressure amidst final exams week. In terms of the code, because the APIs didn't contain all of the materials we needed to pull, it left several parts blank and created a sense of incompleteness.
What would you do differently if you could do it all over again?
Perhaps I would have devoted more time early in the project to get the materials organized. I felt like I didn't really do much to contribute until the final stages of the project, and I wish I could have been more useful at the start. In addition, I would have also liked to do things like the presentation or the essay ahead of time to avoid this last minute pressure.
Team Evaluation
8/10. While the elements of the project meet the minimum standards and expectations, I believe our group had the potential to do better. In terms of code, although the parts omitted fell out of the scope of the project, I believe that if we had more time / worked ahead, we could have possibly located the parts of code we omitted. In terms of the presentation, if we had rehearsed earlier, we could have performed better and made adjustments to improve the powerpoint.
9/10. I felt Corrine did a good job keeping us on task and did a superior job organizing the group wiki. Unfortunately, I didn't contribute to the group wiki as much as I would have liked to and I don't believe the other members did as well. In terms of getting the code done, despite me not knowing what to do at first, I was able to get work done and code established after being caught up.
10/10. As of this writing We finished every piece of the code within the scope of the project, we covered every aspect of the essay, and we submitted all the deliverables.
Reflection on the Process
What did you learn?
With your head (biological or computer science principles)
This project taught me several computer science principles, such as version control, XML parsing, a bit of jQuery, and a greater understanding of how different components of software come together to finish a final product.
With your heart (personal qualities and teamwork qualities that make things work or not work)?
I learned to not wait until the last minute to get deliverables uploaded. In addition, I learned that it's okay to ask for help when you're unsure about something.
With your hands (technical skills)?
As previously stated, I learned how source control works and how to work my way around Git.
What lesson will you take away from this project that you will still use a year from now?
Software development, especially for scientific purposes, requires much collaboration and several steps that might not always be intuitive but necessary.
Johnllopez616 (talk) 15:47, 15 December 2017 (PST)