Dbashour week 4
Electronic Journal
My partner John Lopez and I worked together to chose "our favorite gene". We began by exploring the SDG website and decided on the gene ADH1 because of its role in the fermentation process of alcohol. We chose to split up the work based on our individual domains so I was in charge of gathering the research while he was in charge of creating the website.
We met over FaceTime on September 24th to collaborate our ideas. We decided to use an accordion style look for the page where each section contained a different emphasis of the gene.
While John set up the page, I began to do research on our chosen gene. I started by visiting the SGD site and gathering as much information as I could from that one site. I found the standard name, the systematic name, the name description, and the gene ID from this website. Once this information was obtained, I sent it over to John to add to the template he created.
In order to get the gene ID's, I looked on all four pages (SGD, NCBI, Ensembl, and UniProt) and found what the gene ID's were, which were usually listed at the very top of the page next to the gene name. Once I got this information, I then obtained the DNA and Protein sequences from Ensembl, where it was clearly listed, even providing information as to which DNA sequence corresponded to which Protein sequence.
The function of the gene was obtained from the SGD site since this site seemed to be where all the other sites received its information from. I summarized what the function of ADH1 is based on what this website said.
After completing all the research questions, I was then able to compare all 4 websites to eachother and determine which ones contained what type of information and which were similar and different.
After sending all of my research information over to John and him adding all that information to the website, we met on September 25th to finalize the website and review the information.
Final Product
Here is the finished file.
I worked with my partner John Lopez in class. We decided on our gene and decided how we wanted this organized. On Sunday we FaceTimed to construct the website, where we finished most of it. On Monday we met to finalize everything and submitted. For the project, I did all the research needed and wrote the text, while John worked on the HTML. While I worked with the people noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.
Dbashour (talk) 00:01, 26 September 2017 (PDT)
*Emw. (2009, December 15). Protein ADH5 PDB 1m6h. Retrieved from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/Protein_ADH5_PDB_1m6h.png *ADH1. Saccharomyces Genome Database. Retrieved September 24, 2017, from https://www.yeastgenome.org/locus/S000005446#interaction *ADH1 alcohol dehydrogenase ADH1 [Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C] – Gene'. NCBI. Retrieved September 24, 2017, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/854068#genomic-context *Transcript: ADH1. Ensembl. Retrieved September 24, 2017, from https://www.ensembl.org/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/Transcript/Summary?db=core%3Bg *Alcohol dehydrogenase 1. UniProt. Retrieved September 24, 2017, from http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P00330 *Using "Collapse". Bootstrap. Retrieved September 24, 2017, from https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/collapse/ *Using "Navbar". Bootstrap. Retrieved September 24, 2017, from https://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/components/navbar/ *Using "Tables". Bootstrap. Retrieved September 24, 2017, from http://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/content/tables/ *LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 1. Retrieved September 24, 2017, from https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2017/index.php/Week_4
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