Mavila9 Week1

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Before reading the Denning articles (on your honor), answer the following questions;

When you hear the term computer science, what comes to mind?

  • Artificial intelligence and robots.

When older relatives or friends hear the term computer science, what do you think comes to their minds?

  • Probably the falling green binary from Matrix.

When younger relatives or friends hear the term computer science, what do you think comes to their minds?

  • Ipads and iphones but nothing about how they work because they do not have experience with earlier technology.

Before reading the Janovy chapter (on your honor), answer the following questions;

When you hear the term biology, what comes to mind?

  • A basic picture of a cell with organelles

Do you consider yourself a biologist? why or why not?

  • Yes because I have worked in a lab and know more than the common person about biology.

After reading the Denning articles and the Janovy chapter, answer the following questions:

What was the purpose of these readings?

  • These readings help me understand the connection between computer science and its roots in science, specifically biology.

Which of the voices in the Voices of Computing article seem to appeal to you the most?

  • The voice of the Engineer appeals to me the most because I am interested in how things work and how various components come together forming a unit.

Apply one of the seven principles from the Computing is a Natural Science article to something as "non-computer-science"-y as possible, either from other subjects or your daily life. The Hierarchical Aggregation principle resembles the various branches in society that is organized into the government and the people who are governed, both of which have different sub-sections like the various government departments and the various occupations people go into.

What did you find most interesting or provocative about the Janovy reading?

  • The statement about how some people have lived to see science fiction become reality struck me because I believe I undergo the same experience, but am not as shocked. I think people today are conditioned to see new technologies and be slightly more accepting if that technology is justifiable, rather than simply being afraid of the change.

What does it mean to be a biologist? Do you consider yourself a biologist? Why or why not? To be a biologist means to understand the basics of biology and experimentation, all while having an interest in contributing to the topic. I do consider myself a biologist because I have been trained as one and am interested in learning about the topic in hopes of making my own contributions.


I worked with Michael Armas. We discusses how to create the template after class.

Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.

Mavila9 (talk) 00:04, 5 September 2019 (PDT)
