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==Electronic Notebook==
==Electronic Notebook==
The purpose of this investigation was to get a better understanding of how to operate the Microsoft Access Database by using data collected from the Federal Drug Agency to create my own database. Besides that, this assignment was meant to allow for a visualization of how complex databases, such as the FDA database, is formed and how relationships between tables can be formed to create a cohesive and understandable database to provide as much information as possible to those who access it.
The purpose of this investigation was to get a better understanding of how to operate the Microsoft Access Database by using data collected from the Federal Drug Agency to create my own database. Besides that, this assignment was meant to allow for a visualization of how complex databases, such as the FDA database, is formed and how relationships between tables can be formed to create a cohesive and understandable database to provide as much information as possible to those who access it. [[File:Jnimmers Certificate.png|thumb| Certificate of Completion from LinkedIn Learning ]]
'''Task 1'''
'''Task 1'''
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*From there, I found the files that contained relative data and extracted them from their .zip folder by finding a simple area to extract, right-clicking the folder, and selecting "Extract All" from the drop-down menu.
*From there, I found the files that contained relative data and extracted them from their .zip folder by finding a simple area to extract, right-clicking the folder, and selecting "Extract All" from the drop-down menu.
'''Task 2'''
'''Task 2'''
*Once the Text documents had been downloaded, I went into Microsoft (MS) Access and, under the "External Data" tab, I selected the "Import Text File" option and found the files that needed to be imported from the FDA folder. Each file imported will create a new table. The list of these tables can be found on the left side of the screen in MS Access. Most formatting was done automatically by Access, however, make sure to check the box that says "First Row Contains Field Names", it will allow for the automatic formatting of your column names. This makes the inclusion of IDs easier because if you delete an ID row, it forces you to start the process of importing over so that your first row doesn't start as ID:2. [[File:Database instruction1.png|thumb| Example of Access and highlighting of Text File Importing Button]]
*Once the Text documents had been downloaded, I went into Microsoft (MS) Access and, under the "External Data" tab, I selected the "Import Text File" option and found the files that needed to be imported from the FDA folder. Each file imported will create a new table. The list of these tables can be found on the left side of the screen in MS Access. Most formatting was done automatically by Access, however, make sure to check the box that says "First Row Contains Field Names", it will allow for the automatic formatting of your column names. This makes the inclusion of IDs easier because if you delete an ID row, it forces you to start the process of importing over so that your first row doesn't start as ID:2. [[File:JnimmersDatabaseinstruction1.png|thumb| Example of Access and highlighting of Text File Importing Button]]
'''Task 3'''
'''Task 3'''
Configure the fields in your tables to match the schema provided by the FDA (keys, datatypes).
*In order to make sure that all Field Names and product names/ingredients are visible, hover your mouse over the right edge of the column you want to edit. A two sided arrow should appear,  indicating you can now edit the column length. Click and hold down at that point and drag you mouse left or right to adjust the size of your column in order to allow for all words to be properly viewed, including the field header.
*In order to make sure that all Field Names and product names/ingredients are visible, hover your mouse over the right edge of the column you want to edit. A two sided arrow should appear,  indicating you can now edit the column length. Click and hold down at that point and drag you mouse left or right to adjust the size of your column in order to allow for all words to be properly viewed, including the field header.
'''Task 4'''
'''Task 4'''
Once my database was formatted correctly, I created relationships among my tables to show how each table corresponded with the other tables in the database. To do this,I clicked on the "Database Tools" tab and and selected "Relationships". This will open up a new page with a list of your current tables. From here, you can select all of your relevant tables by pressing Control on your keyboard while clicking on each individual table that you want to make a relationship for another table. The tables will pop up and the menu will disappear, giving you each table' field headers. From here, you want to connect tables by clicking and dragging on a field header from one box and overlapping it with another field header with the same name in a different table box. This pulls up a menu for you to confirm that you're making the right connection, if the field headers are identical then you can confirm the relationship and do the same process for the other fields that have relationships in separate tables. These relationships establish a connection between categories in one table and confirming that they're the same categories in a separate table. [[File:Database instruction2.png|thumb| Example of Relationships Tab and Confirmation of Relationship Creation]].
*Once my database was formatted correctly, I created relationships among my tables to show how each table corresponded with the other tables in the database. To do this,I clicked on the "Database Tools" tab and and selected "Relationships". This will open up a new page with a list of your current tables. From here, you can select all of your relevant tables by pressing Control on your keyboard while clicking on each individual table that you want to make a relationship for another table. The tables will pop up and the menu will disappear, giving you each table' field headers. From here, you want to connect tables by clicking and dragging on a field header from one box and overlapping it with another field header with the same name in a different table box. This pulls up a menu for you to confirm that you're making the right connection, if the field headers are identical then you can confirm the relationship and do the same process for the other fields that have relationships in separate tables. These relationships establish a connection between categories in one table and confirming that they're the same categories in a separate table. [[File:JnimmersDatabaseinstruction2.png|thumb| Example of Relationships Tab and Confirmation of Relationship Creation]].
*From here, you should be done! Your tables are now relationship verified, formatted, and contain all necessary data provided by the FDA in a neat compilation. Be sure to Save your work under the "File" tab. Select "Save as", put it in a safe and simple place to find, name it appropriately, and do any last minute edits that you may like to spruce up your database and make it unique.  
*From here, you should be done! Your tables are now relationship verified, formatted, and contain all necessary data provided by the FDA in a neat compilation. Be sure to Save your work under the "File" tab. Select "Save as", put it in a safe and simple place to find, name it appropriately, and do any last minute edits that you may like to spruce up your database and make it unique.
===Scientific conclusion=== 
'''Creating a Query'''
This project was given in order to learn the basic structure and function of the Microsoft Access program. It is meant to equip  me with the skill and knowledge of how to operate the system and sue it to create a database of my own using pre-made data fro the FDA. In terms of learning, I feel that I learned a lot from this program, and I think it can be a useful asset for anyone in the working world; it allows for organization at a level that can't be done with pen and paper, and it can store far more information than Excel, making it more optimal for a work or company setting, which can be useful for almost anyone.
* To create a Query to draw relationships between sections of highlight a single field within your database, you can follow these steps.
*Under the "Create" Tab, click on the 'Query Wizard" option and select "Simple Query Wizard"
*From there, you'll have the option to select which table you want to highlight, and within that table, you can select a field to highlight.
*Once you have decided which field to highlight, click on it and press the single right-facing arrow to set it aside for the query.
*Click "Next", confirm your settings, and click "Finish" to create a query of the field(s) that you selected for analysis.
*And now you're done creating your first query! You can add more items to the query by repeating the "right-facing arrow" step for more than one field.
===Scientific Conclusion===
''For the questions below, supply (a) the answer to the question and (b) the query that you used to answer the question.''
*This project was given in order to learn the basic structure and function of the Microsoft Access program. It is meant to equip  me with the skill and knowledge of how to operate the system and sue it to create a database of my own using pre-made data fro the FDA. In terms of learning, I feel that I learned a lot from this program, and I think it can be a useful asset for anyone in the working world; it allows for organization at a level that can't be done with pen and paper, and it can store far more information than Excel, making it more optimal for a work or company setting, which can be useful for almost anyone.
# What are the names of the drug products that are administered in the ''form'' <code>INJECTABLE;INTRAVENOUS, SUBCUTANEOUS</code>?
A. Injectable, Tablet/Oral, Aerosol/Topical/Foam, Aerosol/Metered/Inhalation, Aerosol/Nasal, Aerosol/Oral, Aerosol/Vaginal, Bar/Chewable, Capsule, Pellet, Cream, Disc, Dressing, Elixir/Oral, Emulsion/Intravenious/Oral/Topical, Enema/Rectal, Film, For Solution, For suspension, Tablet, Vial, Troche, Tape, Suspension, Syrup, Spray, System, Table, Solution, Powder, Patch, Ointment, Insert.
Query: Simple Query: Forms
# What are the names of the drug products whose active ingredient (''activeingred'') is <code>ATROPINE</code>?
# In what ''form''s and ''dosage''s can the drug product named <code>BENADRYL</code> be administered?
===Data and Files===
*File:Jnimmers Certificate.png|thumb| Certificate of Completion from LinkedIn Learning
*File:JnimmersFDAProducts.zip |FDA Database
*File:Database File:JnimmersDatabaseinstruction1.png|thumb| Example of Access and highlighting of Text File Importing Button
*File:Database File:JnimmersDatabaseinstruction2.png|thumb| Example of Relationships Tab and Confirmation of Relationship Creation
*http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/InformationOnDrugs/ucm079750.htm | FDA Drug Information Website
# Which drug products have a name ''ending'' in <code>ESTROL</code>?
* I would like to thank Dr. Kam Dahlquist for her introduction of the Microsoft Access Software as well as instruction on how to access it and information on learning the database system as well
* Thank you to LinkedIn Learning for assisting and teaching how to create a successful database [[https://www.linkedin.com/learning/me?u=42252777]]
* Thank you to my homework partner [[User:Mavila9| Marcus Avila]]. We met in person and he assited me in formatting issues, learing to zip my file correctly and gave information on how to correctly update my database in Access.
"Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source." [[User:Jnimmers|Jnimmers]] ([[User talk:Jnimmers|talk]]) 19:39, 25 September 2019 (PDT)
# Produce a table listing all of the known values for the ''therapeutic_potential'' column in the ''application'' table and how many ''application'' records there are of each. (''Side note:'' The ''therapeutic_potential'' codes are explained in the ''ReviewClass_Lookup.txt'' file, in case you’re interested.)
=== References ===
*Week 4 Assignment Page: LMU BioDB 2019. (2019). Week 4. Retrieved September 5th, 2019, from https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2019/index.php/Week_4
# Produce a table listing all of the known values for the ''chemical_type'' column in the ''application'' table and how many ''application'' records there are of each. (''Side note:'' The ''chemical_type'' codes are explained in the ''ChemTypeLookup.txt'' file, in case you’re interested.)
# What are the names of the drug products that are sponsored (''sponsor applicant'' column) by <code>MERCK</code>?
# Which ''sponsor applicant'' companies have the text <code>LABS</code> in their names and have products whose active ingredients (''activeingred'') include ''both'' <code>ASPIRIN</code> and <code>CAFFEINE</code>?
# Also answer, would you have been able to answer these questions using the web interface that the FDA provides to this database ([https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/daf/index.cfm Drugs@FDA?])
==== Data and Files ====
* References to data and files should be made within the methods and results section of your notebook.
* In addition to these inline links, create a "Data and Files" section of your notebook to make a list of the files generated in this exercise.  In particular, you will need to zip and upload a compressed version of your MS Access FDA drug database.  Make sure that your filename contains your last name or username to distinguish it from databases created by other students in the class.
==== Acknowledgments ====
In this section, you need to acknowledge anyone who assisted you with your assignment, either in person, electronically, or even anonymously without their knowledge. 
# You '''''must''''' acknowledge your homework partner or team members with whom you worked, giving details of the nature of the collaboration.  You should include when and how you met and what content you worked on together.  An appropriate statement could be (but is not limited to) the following:
#* I worked with my homework partner (give name and link name to their user page) in class.  We met face-to-face one time outside of class.  We texted/e-mailed/chatted online three times.  We worked on the <details> portion of the assignment together.
# Acknowledge anyone else you worked with who was not your assigned partner.  This could be Dr. Dahlquist (for example, via office hours), the TA, other students in the class, or even other students or faculty outside of the class.
# If you copied <code>wiki syntax</code> or a particular ''style'' from another wiki page, acknowledge that here.  Provide the user name of the original page, if possible, and provide a link to the page from which you copied the syntax or style. 
# If you need to reference '''''content''''' (such as the methods of a protocol), that belongs in the References section where you will give a include a formal APA-formatted citation (see below).
# You '''must''' also include this statement unless otherwise noted: 
#* '''''"Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source."'''''
# Sign your Acknowledgments section with your wiki signature.
==== References ====
*In this section, you need to provide properly formatted citations to any '''''content''''' that was not entirely of your own devising.  This includes, but is not limited to:
** methods
** data
** facts
** images
** documents, including the scientific literature
* Do not include extraneous references that you do not cite or use on your page.
* The references in this section should be accompanied by ''in text citations'' on your page that refer to these references.
* The references should be formatted according to the [https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/using_research/documents/20180719CitationChart.pdf APA guidelines].
* For more detailed guidelines, please see the document [[Media:BIOL367_Fall2019_GuidelinesforLiteratureCitations.pdf | Guidelines for Literature Citations in a Scientific Paper]] that you were given on the first day of class.
* Cite the appropriate weekly Assignment page.  For example, the citation for the [[Week 1]] Assignment page is: LMU BioDB 2019. (2019). Week 1. Retrieved August 27, 2019, from https://xmlpipedb.cs.lmu.edu/biodb/fall2019/index.php/Week_1
* Even if you have nothing else to cite, the References section must be present and include the citation to the appropriate weekly assignment page.

Latest revision as of 18:54, 25 September 2019

File Containing Microsoft Access FDA Database

Electronic Notebook


The purpose of this investigation was to get a better understanding of how to operate the Microsoft Access Database by using data collected from the Federal Drug Agency to create my own database. Besides that, this assignment was meant to allow for a visualization of how complex databases, such as the FDA database, is formed and how relationships between tables can be formed to create a cohesive and understandable database to provide as much information as possible to those who access it.

Certificate of Completion from LinkedIn Learning


Task 1

  • For this Task, I went to the [| FDA Drug Information Website] and downloaded the available drug data from that source. There is a link at the bottom of the page instructing you on how to download the .zip file.
  • From there, I found the files that contained relative data and extracted them from their .zip folder by finding a simple area to extract, right-clicking the folder, and selecting "Extract All" from the drop-down menu.

Task 2

  • Once the Text documents had been downloaded, I went into Microsoft (MS) Access and, under the "External Data" tab, I selected the "Import Text File" option and found the files that needed to be imported from the FDA folder. Each file imported will create a new table. The list of these tables can be found on the left side of the screen in MS Access. Most formatting was done automatically by Access, however, make sure to check the box that says "First Row Contains Field Names", it will allow for the automatic formatting of your column names. This makes the inclusion of IDs easier because if you delete an ID row, it forces you to start the process of importing over so that your first row doesn't start as ID:2.
    Example of Access and highlighting of Text File Importing Button

Task 3

  • In order to make sure that all Field Names and product names/ingredients are visible, hover your mouse over the right edge of the column you want to edit. A two sided arrow should appear, indicating you can now edit the column length. Click and hold down at that point and drag you mouse left or right to adjust the size of your column in order to allow for all words to be properly viewed, including the field header.

Task 4

  • Once my database was formatted correctly, I created relationships among my tables to show how each table corresponded with the other tables in the database. To do this,I clicked on the "Database Tools" tab and and selected "Relationships". This will open up a new page with a list of your current tables. From here, you can select all of your relevant tables by pressing Control on your keyboard while clicking on each individual table that you want to make a relationship for another table. The tables will pop up and the menu will disappear, giving you each table' field headers. From here, you want to connect tables by clicking and dragging on a field header from one box and overlapping it with another field header with the same name in a different table box. This pulls up a menu for you to confirm that you're making the right connection, if the field headers are identical then you can confirm the relationship and do the same process for the other fields that have relationships in separate tables. These relationships establish a connection between categories in one table and confirming that they're the same categories in a separate table.
    Example of Relationships Tab and Confirmation of Relationship Creation
  • From here, you should be done! Your tables are now relationship verified, formatted, and contain all necessary data provided by the FDA in a neat compilation. Be sure to Save your work under the "File" tab. Select "Save as", put it in a safe and simple place to find, name it appropriately, and do any last minute edits that you may like to spruce up your database and make it unique.

Creating a Query

  • To create a Query to draw relationships between sections of highlight a single field within your database, you can follow these steps.
  • Under the "Create" Tab, click on the 'Query Wizard" option and select "Simple Query Wizard"
  • From there, you'll have the option to select which table you want to highlight, and within that table, you can select a field to highlight.
  • Once you have decided which field to highlight, click on it and press the single right-facing arrow to set it aside for the query.
  • Click "Next", confirm your settings, and click "Finish" to create a query of the field(s) that you selected for analysis.
  • And now you're done creating your first query! You can add more items to the query by repeating the "right-facing arrow" step for more than one field.

Scientific Conclusion

  • This project was given in order to learn the basic structure and function of the Microsoft Access program. It is meant to equip me with the skill and knowledge of how to operate the system and sue it to create a database of my own using pre-made data fro the FDA. In terms of learning, I feel that I learned a lot from this program, and I think it can be a useful asset for anyone in the working world; it allows for organization at a level that can't be done with pen and paper, and it can store far more information than Excel, making it more optimal for a work or company setting, which can be useful for almost anyone.

Data and Files

  • File:Jnimmers Certificate.png|thumb| Certificate of Completion from LinkedIn Learning
  • File:JnimmersFDAProducts.zip |FDA Database
  • File:Database File:JnimmersDatabaseinstruction1.png|thumb| Example of Access and highlighting of Text File Importing Button
  • File:Database File:JnimmersDatabaseinstruction2.png|thumb| Example of Relationships Tab and Confirmation of Relationship Creation
  • http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/InformationOnDrugs/ucm079750.htm | FDA Drug Information Website


  • I would like to thank Dr. Kam Dahlquist for her introduction of the Microsoft Access Software as well as instruction on how to access it and information on learning the database system as well
  • Thank you to LinkedIn Learning for assisting and teaching how to create a successful database [[1]]
  • Thank you to my homework partner Marcus Avila. We met in person and he assited me in formatting issues, learing to zip my file correctly and gave information on how to correctly update my database in Access.

"Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source." Jnimmers (talk) 19:39, 25 September 2019 (PDT)


Biological Databases
Assignment Table

Week Number Assignment Page Individual Journal Shared Journal
1 Week 1 Assignment Page N/A Week 2 Shared Journal
2 Week 2 Assignment Page Week 2 Individual Journal Week 2 Shared Journal
3 Week 3 Assignment Page CMR2/YOR093C Week 3 Week 3 Shared Journal
4 Week 4 Assignment Page Week 4 Individual Journal Week 4 Shared Journal
5 Week 5 Assignment Page CRISPRlnc Week 5 Week 5 Shared Journal
6 Week 6 Assignment Page Week 6 Individual Journal Week 6 Shared Journal
7 Week 7 Assignment Page Week 7 Individual Journal Week 7 Shared Journal
8 Week 8 Assignment Page Week 8 Individual Journal Week 8 Shared Journal
9 Week 9 Assignment Page Week 9 Individual Journal Week 9 Shared Journal
10 Week 10 Assignment Page Week 10 Individual Journal Week 10 Shared Journal
11 Week 11 Assignment Page Week 11 Individual Journal Sulfiknights Team Page
12/13 Week 12/13 Assignment Page Week 12/13 Individual Journal Sulfiknights Team Page
14 Week 14 Assignment Page Week 14 Individual Journal Week 14 Shared Journal
15 Week 15 Assignment Page Week 15 Individual Journal Week 15 Shared Journal