Marmas Week 12/13

From LMU BioDB 2019
Revision as of 19:51, 20 November 2019 by Marmas (talk | contribs) (Purpose: added purpose)
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Week 12/13 Individual Journal Week 12/13 Class Journal Week 12/13
Week 15 Individual Journal Week 15 Class Journal Week 15


The purpose of the project is to analyze the mircroarray data of a previously performed experiment titled "Effects of the Pesticide Thiuram:  Genome-wide Screening of Indicator Genes by Yeast DNA Microarray" (Kitagawa et al., 2002). The group will begin data analysis and organization of deliverables. Milestones are established to keep up with the workload due by the end of the semester. Milestones are can be found on the Fungals Team Page. For the week of November 18th, the Coder/Designer guild will establish a meta data sheet and universalize column header nomenclature.

Account of Activity

Data and Files

