Asandle1 Week 9

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Revision as of 13:57, 19 March 2024 by Asandle1 (talk | contribs) (Electronic Notebook: added more)
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Electronic Notebook

1) Downloaded the gln3 data

2) Opened in Excel

3) Enabled Editing

4) Saved File with AS&CK_ before the rest of its name

5) Add a new sheet called ANOVA_dGLN3

6) Copied the Data from the Master_Sheet_dGLN3 to the new ANOVA_dGLN3

7) Created columns for Average Log called dGLN3_AvgLogFC_t for each time period adding 15,30,60,90, and 120 at the end.

8) Then we computed the average for the first row of t 15 time points of 2 through 5.

9) We copied down the formula all the rows

10)We noticed a DIV/0 Error for some rows since the data was blank.

11)Repeated the same process for the rest.

12)Creating a column for dGLN3_ss_HO for the sum of squares.

13) Highlighted the columns for all times for this and did =sumsq(all relevant data in the row)

14) Created Columns for dGLN3_ss_t15 through t120

15) Did the same process highlight the data in a row that applied to the specific time t.

16) Double clicked to expand

17) Was not the correct equation so deleted everything in the sumsq= that we just did except for the dGLN_ss_HO which was still correct

18) Instead we do number 14 in the worksheet.

19) For dGLN_ss_t15 the equation was =SUMSQ(D2:G2)-COUNTA(D2:G2)*X2^2

20) After completed copied down all the columns.

21) Created dGLN3_SS_full to the right.

22) Created the dGLN_Fstat to the

23) Took a weekend break

24) Back to the task

25) Added =SUM of the ss rows for the dGLN_SS_full

26) Double Clicked to Drop down for all of them

27) Counted my n for the fstat to be 20.

28) There was an error in my SS_Full, I should have only included the time times t15-120 and I accidentally included HO, removed it and the problem was fixed.

29) Now adding the Bonferroni and p value corrections

30) Created a box called dGLN3_Bonferroni_p-value and in the cell did = and selected AK2. Then did *6189.

31) Double clicked to fill the column.

32) Created a new column, dGLN3_Bonferroni_p-value correction. Entered =if(AL2>1,1,AL2) and then double clicked to expand down the formula.

33) Added a new worksheet to begin the Benjamini & Hochberg p value correction

34) Named worksheet dGLN3_ANOVA_B-H

35)Followed the Calculate the rest of the Benjamini & Hochberg p value correction section exactly.

36) Saved to upload to the wiki.


To User Page: User: Asandle1 To Template: Template:Asandle1

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Asandle1 Week 2

SIR2 Week 3

Monarch Initiative Week 4

Asandle1 Week 5

Asandle1 Week 6

Asandle1 Week 8

Asandle1 Week 9

Asandle1 Week 10

Asandle1 Week 12

Asandle1 Week 13

Asandle1 Week 14

Asandle1 Week 15

Class Journals

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