Mbalducc Week 12
- Organoleptic: A substance which has properties that can be detected by a sensory receptor (merriam)
- Oenological: Relating to the study of wine (oxford)
- Homocedastic: All variables have equal variances (merriam)
- Pseudohyphal: Short chain of cells formed by daughter cells not separating entirely (medical)
- Metabolome: All of the metabolites in a cell at a certain stage of development (dictionary of cell and microbiology)
- Trehalose: Disaccharide sugar found in high numbers in invertebrates (dictionary of cell and microbiology)
- Isoform: Protein which functions the same and has a similar sequence to another, but is formed by a different gene (dictionary of cell and microbiology)
- Gluconeogenesis:Creation of glucose from substances other than carbohyrates (dictionary of cell and microbiology)
- Quadrupole: A situation in which there are four equal poles through which electric charge is distributed (oxford)
- Chemostat: A device which helps to regulate nutrients and the medium in which bacterial cells are grown (dictionary of cell and microbiology)
Outline of Article
This week, I worked with the project manager of our group, Hayden Hinsch
LMU BioDB 2017. (2017). Week 12. Retrieved November 15, 2017, from
Pizzaro, Jewett, Nielson, Agosin. (2008) Growth Temperature Exerts Differential Physiological and Transcriptional Responses in Laboratory and Wine Strains of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. "Applied and Environmental Microbiology", 74, 6358-6368, doi:10.1128/AEM.00602-08
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