Cdomin12 Week 1

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Assignment Page Individual Journal Entries Class Journal
Week 1 cdomin12 Week 1 Class Journal Week 1
Week 2 cdomin12 Week 2 Class Journal Week 2
Week 3 RAD53 / YPL153C Week 3 Class Journal Week 3
Week 4 cdomin12 Week 4 Class Journal Week 4
Week 5 IMG/VR Week 5 Class Journal Week 5
Week 6 cdomin12 Week 6 Class Journal Week 6
Week 7 cdomin12 Week 7 Class Journal Week 7
Week 8 cdomin12 Week 8 Class Journal Week 8
Week 9 cdomin12 Week 9 Class Journal Week 9
Week 10 cdomin12 Week 10 Class Journal Week 10
Week 11 cdomin12 Week 11 Skinny Genes
Week 12/13 Skinny Genes Quality Assurance Skinny Genes
Week 15 Skinny Genes Deliverables Skinny Genes

Reflection Questions

Before reading the Denning articles (on your honor), answer the following questions:

When you hear the term computer science, what comes to mind?

When I hear computer science, I think of the behind the scenes aspect of creating a platform on a computer, such as a website or program.

When older relatives or friends hear the term computer science, what do you think comes to their minds?

I would think that they are not positive what it is, but I imagine that it would be related to creating websites and anything else behind the internet.

When younger relatives or friends hear the term computer science, what do you think comes to their minds?

Younger relatives or friends emphasize the video game aspect of computer science or creating new programs that are innovative to the future of technology.

Before reading the Janovy chapter (on your honor), answer the following questions:

When you hear the term biology, what comes to mind?

When I hear the term biology, I think of the way that living things and ecosystems come together in a community. I also think of the scientific aspect of these things and how we can study them to better learn how to allow biology to prosper in all aspects.

Do you consider yourself a biologist? why or why not?

I would consider myself a biologist. I am a senior biology major, and I feel that through my education I have been able to learn the scientific explanation of we know about biology. This has allowed me to apply that to a real-world setting, including research and my future profession.

After reading the Denning articles and the Janovy chapter, answer the following questions:

What was the purpose of these readings?

The purpose of these readings is to have a deeper understanding of what both computer science and biology mean. It can be easy to have a surface level understanding but the reality behind both goes much deeper. It can extend to places where before weren’t thought of to be related to these fields. For example, the Denning reading, “Computing is a Natural Science”, framed computer science in a way that allowed for a new perspective to be brought and broaden what was otherwise thought of as programming. The Janovy reading brought the term biologist to a new light by explaining a more selfless pursuit to constantly learn for the sake of the discipline.

Which of the voices in the Voices of Computing article seem to appeal to you the most?

“The Scientist” is the voice that appealed to me the most. As a biology major, I have enjoyed the pursuit of learning about living organisms and how everything works together. I also enjoyed conducting research to learn more about the relationships between certain things and the potential to discover more is exciting.

Apply one of the seven principles from the Computing is a Natural Science article to something as "non-computer-science"-y as possible, either from other subjects or your daily life.

The principle, search (automation), can be applied to the subject of history. I am taking a class called the History of Health and Disease in American Culture. In class, we were discussing about putting ourselves into a space in time, such as the colonial era, in order to find why something was done a certain way from a large amount of possibilities to explain behaviors or actions that led to historical patterns or themes.

What did you find most interesting or provocative about the Janovy reading?

The most interesting topic of the Janovy reading is the aspect of being a biologist that includes having a selfless desire to learn more of nature and hold it in high regards. It is an interesting contrast to the modern world that is focused on getting a job for personal gain and desire. He frames being a biologist as an act for humanity since the work of biology does to so much to sustain human life and our relationship to the planet.

What does it mean to be a biologist? Do you consider yourself a biologist? Why or why not?

To be a biologist is to have a fundamental connection to organisms and the way in which they work together. It involves a sense of wonder and passion for the big picture of life, while examining the small things that make it. I would consider myself to be a biologist after these readings. Janovy speaks of early memories involving animals as a pattern in biologists. It is interesting that one of my earliest memories involves animals, as I have always felt a special love and compassion for animals that I hope to always integrate into my life. I would believe to have “an attachement to the world of living organisms” that Janovy explains biologists have (Janovy 9). Janovy also speaks of the research and teaching aspect of being a biologist. I would say I hold more emphasis on the research part but I believe that the pursuit of biology is an ever growing personal experience to discover more and develop personally.


  1. I worked with User:Imacarae in class, where we discussed formatting and also the dialogue in the assigned reading. We also texted about the questions assigned for after the reading.
  2. I used How to use images to help with uploading the image
  3. "Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source."
  4. Cdomin12 (talk) 23:47, 3 September 2019 (PDT)


LMU BioDB 2019. (2019). Week 1. Retrieved August 29, 2017, from