Class Journal Week 9
Naomi Tesfaiohannes's responses
1. What kinds of characteristics do you want in your teammates, and why?
I want my teammates to be alert on the assignment and aware of any changes that might occur based on the work that gets done in class.
2. What kinds of things make teamwork go smoothly?
Communication. A lot of times teamwork can become confusing when the members do not communicate with one another. Communication can make for a more organized group and allow for the members to be aware of what their position is.
3. What kinds of things make teamwork not go so smoothly?
When members do not listen to one another. Whether it be because they do not agree or simply because of pride, members of a team need to listen and give feedback to one another. This does not mean to go with what someone says if you do not agree with them, but instead be willing to hear the other person's comments before turning them down.
Ntesfaio (talk) 10:43, 30 October 2019 (PDT)
Ntesfaio Final Individual Reflection