Class Journal Week 5

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Eddie Azinge's Responses

  1. I feel as if I am most accomplished with "Databases and Data Formats", "Data Management and Organization", and "Data Conversion and Interoperability", specifically because I'm most comfortable with using, moving around, and configuring data. I've obtained this skill through my years as a Computer Science major, but also due to my use of my free time doing side projects where I had to go out and find data on my own.
  2. I would most like to learn about "Data Visualization", but from a Computer Science standpoint. There's a lot that you can do when visualizing data, the insights that you can draw from it are endless.
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Cazinge (talk) 00:09, 3 October 2017 (PDT)

Arash Lari's Responses

  1. I think I'm best with Data Analysis, Visualization, and curation. I feel as though I acquired those skills by being a computer science student. The visualization and understanding of how to apply your input data to get your desired output is a huge part of computer science, so I feel that the more I code the more I've strengthened those skills.
  2. I'd like to better understand the ethics, intellectual property laws, and culture of practice because I feel as though I personally haven't had to abide by these standards and practices very heavily and I should better acquaint myself with them before entering the professional field.

Arash Lari

BIOL/CMSI 367-01: Biological Databases Fall 2017


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ArashLari (talk) 20:15, 7 October 2017 (PDT)

Eddie Bachoura's Responses

  1. I believe that I am most skilled in the "Data Conversion and Interoperability" or at least currently most familiar with that core competency. I believe that this is mostly due to my work on GRNsight. I am currently working on the graphML import which takes a graphML file and parses it into the network data structure that our system is familiar with.
  2. I would like to learn more about the core competency of "Data Preservation". I would like to truly understand what technologies and organizational aspects of preserving data within a database and over longer period of time.

Ebachour (talk) 23:57, 2 October 2017 (PDT)

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Mary Balducci's Responses

  1. The core competency that I'm most familiar with/ skilled in is probably Metadata. I think that I've gained familiarity with this by doing labs at school where every detail about data collected is important. I've learned that it's important to have as much information about the data as possible in order to fully understand the data itself. When doing experiments, every detail matters to make sure that the results are as trustworthy as possible. From this, I think I have some skill in making sure all details are known about the data I'm collecting. That said, I'm sure there are definitely aspects to this which I'm not good at and would be interested in learning more.
  2. A core competency that I'd like to become more familiar with is data preservation. I know that it is important to make sure the data is well preserved, otherwise it becomes useless. I'd like to know how to do this well, so that I can be sure that my data or someone else's data that I'm viewing is safe. I'm especially unfamiliar with data preservation in the world of computers, I do not know which ways are the best to save or protect data, so if I had important data I would not feel secure that I saved it accurately right now. This is why I'd like to become better at this.
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Mbalducc (talk) 18:32, 2 October 2017 (PDT)

Dina Bashoura's Responses

Week 5:

  1. The core competency I am most familiar with is data preservation I would say. I am familiar with this information because of the lecture that Dr. Dondi gave us regarding this topic during our Biological Databases class.
  2. I want to know more about Data Conversion and Interoperability because I feel that being able to transport data and changing its format to fit a format you would like is very useful when working with data. Learning what the standard data formats is also useful when coding because if others are using a standard method of formatting than I feel like I should know that standard method and implement it into my coding abilities.

Dbashour (talk) 22:06, 2 October 2017 (PDT)

Week 4:

  1. Yes, we coded in HTML for this assignment.
    • Yes, we used a standard library.
    • Yes I understand what Paul Ford meant by coders being "angry". From what the article says, coders are praised for their quick thinking and responding abilities, probably because it correlates to quick coding abilities. This also means that coders are quick to speak their mind about issues regarding coding like new languages and which language is better. Being outspoken in a quick manner often is portrayed as being angry over a topic, so in this sense, I can understand why Paul Ford said that coders are "angry".
  2. I would imagine the original version of the web had similar fundamental aspects to what the web is today, of course. The design of the web would be different back then because it was created initially to connect people and have a space of shared knowledge and ideas, whereas today this still holds true but was taken to an extreme. Today's web can interact and do much more than just be a space to share knowledge. I would say that today's web is worse than back then because so many people are on the web and because it is designed to be an open shared space, there is room for others to steal knowledge and now there are copyright issues that need to be taken into account. Also, the issue of privacy comes into play because almost everything involves the web now so there is more private information on the web meaning that there are more chances for others to access that information because of the design of the web being an open place that everyone can access.
  3. I liked the SGD website the best because of the clear organization and flow of information. Almost all of the information I needed for this assignment was on that page. The design of the page also made it easy to follow with the tabs on the left indicating the sections that the page contained. I found this page to be the easiest to follow and the most aesthetically pleasing. I would say that the NCBI was my least favorite just because it was the least useful for this assignment.
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Dbashour (talk) 23:41, 25 September 2017 (PDT)

Blair Hamilton's Responses

  1. Which of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
    • I would say number 3, Data Management and Organization, is my most skilled core competency. This summer during my internship I was asked to input large amounts of the company's products into an organized fashion to allow for consistency amongst company wide documentation. I believe this allowed me to gain the necessary skills of staying organized while dealing with large amounts of data, and what the best strategies are when looking to discard or update necessary/necessary data. Another core competency I would say I am familiar with would be number 5, quality assurance. While doing research papers, working at internships and looking at data constantly for school I feel I am able to pinpoint what data would be better suited and for what purpose.
  2. Which of these core competencies do you want to know more about? Why?
    • I would like to learn more about number 11, data visualization. Often I can get too caught up in believing the data can speak for itself when often diagrams or charts are easier and more pleasing to read/interpret. I would like to know more about which types of visuals are best for certain types of data and how to best portray an idea based on visuals not just words.

Bhamilton18 (talk) 15:44, 2 October 2017 (PDT)

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Bhamilton18 (talk) 21:41, 25 September 2017 (PDT)

Hayden Hinsch's Responses

Week 5

  1. I am most skilled in the discovery and acquisition of data core competency. Honestly all of these core competencies are fairly foreign to me, so I will have to admit that I developed my skills regarding the discovery and acquisition of data through the Week 5 assignment and the lectures presented in class.
  2. I would like to know more about data preservation. Anything to do with the technology of the data that people use everyday is extremely interesting to me. Hhinsch (talk) 22:38, 2 October 2017 (PDT)

Week 4

  1. Yes, my partner and I coded in the language: html. Yes html had a standard library which my partner and I used to write our html favorite gene page. I understood what Paul meant by stating that coders are "angry". I believe he is referring to the lack of filler words coders use, which helps them determine solutions more quickly to technical problems.
  2. Well I think that Tim Berners' World Wide Web has changed a whole lot and very little at the same time. It was incredible to read Berners' ideas on what the World Wide Web would become, knowing what it has turned into. I feel that his initial ideas and html made a platform for which everyone and anyone could build upon to make the web an awe inspiring massive place. The best part of the current web is the amount of information that is available and accessible to anyone with internet access. I think the amount of access points makes the web better than it use to be, as well as the constant improvement from users. I do think however that the size of the web could also be a crux. It is nearly impossible to create security throughout the entire web, nor regulate what goes on; sensitive information and behavioral patterns of users that is available on the web also makes it a potential threat to the safety and wellbeing of people all over the world(equifax!).
  3. Out of the four databases we used for this assignment I preferred SGD. It was the most visually pleasing, easily navigable, and contained all of the information about our favorite gene we needed to complete the assignment. Ensembl was my least favorite. Although it had the information we needed for the week 4 assignment, it wasn't that easy to find nor was it as visually pleasing as SGD.

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Hhinsch (talk) 23:13, 25 September 2017 (PDT)

Nicole Kalcic's Responses

  1. Because of the assignment this week, I would say I am most familiar with Data Curation and Re-use. I read up on everything about The Monarch Initiative in order to complete the assignment. I feel like I have a good grasp of how curation is beneficial to scientific advancements in particular. Last week, the database research we did left me thinking that databases were usually just regurgitated information sourcing back to one main database. Now I see what different, smaller databases can provide, and I understand how much work is put into them through devoted institutions and individuals.
  2. I would like to know more about Ethics, including citation of data. The database I did my assignment on was forbidden by certain sources to license their work. There was no information on that, and while I'm sure it's a simple answer to those who understand ownership around intellectual property, I would be interested to know more. This is especially relevant to me because I am constantly citing data in this class each week. If I were to curate a small database of my own, I feel as if I would violate some sort of copyright or privacy concern.

Nicolekalcic (talk) 15:42, 2 October 2017 (PDT)

1. Based on what my partner explained to me during coding the page:

  • Yes, my partner and I coded in HTML for this assignment.
  • Yes, we used a standard library for this assignment.
  • Yes, I understood what Paul Ford meant. Coding is such a fast paced world that one must learn to be quick on their feet and entirely blunt in order to be apart of it and stay on top of their skill. A blunt individual is often regarded as rude or unthoughtful when engaging with others. Also, Paul Ford mentioned that those who code will specialize in one language, cling to it, and defend it to their death to some extent. The quality of being blunt, along with the stubborn view on coding languages could definitely create some angry people and a harsh work environment.

2. Today's web is very similar to Tim Berners-Lee's original version of The World Wide Web. Like he envisioned, it is accessible and free... which is pretty awesome, considering the internet is one of the main reasons our society functions at the level it does right now. However, there is so much more information available on the web than Tim Lee could have imagined. The internet is also more capable in today's reality. You don't go online and just view a webpage. You can watch movies, play multiplayer games, pay bills, etc. The internet can be great and it can be evil, but it sure is incredibly advanced.

3. I touched on this question when I was writing out the answers to the assignment this week and I was freshly done with research. I loved UniProt. Although SGD is a close second because of it's surplus of information, UniProt was user friendly and looked up to date with its layout and great use of color. I suppose it felt fun, to some extent. I really did not like NCBI Gene Database. It reminded me of this HUGE, clunky computer I used to have on my desk when I was 10. The display just felt very out of touch, old, and dull.

Nicolekalcic (talk) 00:14, 26 September 2017 (PDT)

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Quinn Lanners' Responses

  1. Of the core competencies, I would say I am most skilled and knowledgeable in Databases an Data Formats. This past summer I had a position as a "Big Data Intern" during which I learned all about this topic. In fact, for about a full month all I was doing was writing queries to access a certain database within the company in order to format that data in a report-like layout. Along with learning how to write a successful query to extract the right data out of a database, I also learned all about the concepts of primary and foreign keys and how these play an important role in the structure of a database.
  2. I definitely want to learn more about data analysis and data visualization. Being that I ultimately want to go into some sort of data analytics career, I am incredibly interested in learning about all of the ways there are to effectively present data. While we can store all the data in the world, none of it means anything if there is no way to draw conclusions from it. And being that that is the ultimate goal of data analytics and visualization I am very excited to continue to learn more about this field. However, I also understand that in order to excel in those areas, a strong knowledge on the structure of databases and data in general is crucial.

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Qlanners (talk) 21:53, 1 October 2017 (PDT)

Arash Lari's Responses


  • Yes we coded in HTML, which is a markup language.
  • Yes we used a standard library, which was HTML syntax with bootstrap for formatting.
  • Paul Ford says coders are angry because of a bunch of reasons. The world of coding moves so fast that in 18 months you can be obsolete.They're rewarded for quick thinking, this leads to people being blunt and specializing in their own field, which people will quickly cling too and proclaim the best. The mixture of these creates a culture of "angry" coders.

2. I think the author got the internet surprisingly well defined considering how long ago it was, but one thing I don't think he touched on was the paradigm shift of how the world uses the internet that we've gone through. Internet access is being a basic human right is a topic of debate within global communities and nowadays the internet is where some people go to school, go to work, and much more. It's much more a necessary part of life than the original author foresaw (which makes sense because that's more similar to how the internet was used and accessed in 1994).

3. Because my partner was more focused on the biological research of this assignment I referred to her experience and then checked out each of the website and agreed with her after I saw what she meant. The SGD database was definitely the most intuitive and the Ensembl website felt like it was designed for someone that was trained to use it, and not just for anyone that's curious.

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Arash Lari

BIOL/CMSI 367-01: Biological Databases Fall 2017


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ArashLari (talk) 18:36, 25 September 2017 (PDT)

John Lopez's Responses

Answers to the Questions

  1. Out of the competencies for scientific data literacy, I would say I am the most familiar with #2, Discovery and Acquisition of Data. I gained the skills of locating data repositories and finding data from general curiosity about data and investigating different databases. These location skills were refined through this class, in particular the ability to find biological data.
  2. I would like to know more about competency #10, Data Analysis. I feel like understanding this competency would be the most useful for obtaining a job in the ever growing field of data management. Out of these tools, workflow management would be the best to learn how to use.

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Johnllopez616 (talk) 22:43, 2 October 2017 (PDT)

Antonio Porras' Responses

  1. Which of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar? I would say I am most skilled with ethics, including citation of data. I became familiar with this core competency since the beginning of high school since my teachers emphasized how serious plagiarism can be in terms of research and publishing works. That being said, especially with data and information online, everything becomes public on the internet and available.
  2. Which of these core competencies do you want to know more about? Why? I would definitely love to be competent in all of the core competencies, however, I would definitely like to learn more about data analysis because I only have heard of the tools available to analyze massive amounts of data. Ultimately, I want to be more competent in this area to use in areas in which I would need to analyze data sets which would be impossible to understand without computers.
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Aporras1 (talk) 23:09, 2 October 2017 (PDT)

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Emma Tyrnauer's Responses

  1. I think I am most familiar with the core competency of discovery and acquisition of data. Many of the classes I have taken at LMU have exposed me to the practice of supporting my experimental data and claims with what is already in the literature. Furthermore, my non-science classes have required me to support my claims with evidence from both primary and secondary sources.
  2. I want to learn more about the core competency of quality assurance and how it is carried out. I think that this is a very practical core competency that would be beneficial to anyone who plans to take data from outside sources.


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Signature: Emmatyrnauer (talk) 20:19, 2 October 2017 (PDT)

Zachary Van Ysseldyk's Responses

  1. I would say that out of all the core competencies, I am the most familiar with Data Management and Organization. As an AIMS major, I am currently taking a class called: "Database Management." This class very directly addresses "Data Management and Organization." The class is taught in Access however a lot of theoretical concepts such as ER Diagrams, Primary/ Foreign Keys, Intersection Tables, and different kinds of relationships are addressed. I also was able to take Data Structures in computer science. This class emphasized the organization of data as we learned about trees, a variety of linked lists, graphs, stacks, and queues.
  2. I would like to know more about Data analysis - as I see this concept applicable and attractive to any field. Understanding how to interpret data is very important and I would like to know how to effectively analyze my data. I am in a class that dabbles in forecasting methods, but it just scratches the surface. With an interest in Finance Technology, or "FinTech," I believe it very necessary to cultivate more intellect on data analysis. As an AIMS major, I am constantly slammed with the idea that data analytics is the future and the current trending field to get into.


BIOL/CMSI 367-01: Biological Databases Fall 2017


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Zvanysse (talk) 12:36, 24 September 2017 (PDT)

Corinne Wong's Responses

  1. I feel most skilled with discovery and acquisition of data. In college, and even in high school, I received a lot of exposure to various resources and ways to find data through research, which gave me an understanding of how to search for reliable data. The repeated process of looking for sources that are of good quality and are relevant to my topic, whether it be science or English, was good practice, and the skills have stuck with me.
  2. I would be interested in learning more about data visualization. I can make simple graphs and tables, but I would be interested in learning more ways to display data and help create a visual understanding of its significance. I find that being able to see data in various forms rather than just numbers really helps me grasp the importance and meaning of what the data represents.


BIOL/CMSI 367-01: Biological Databases Fall 2017


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Cwong34 (talk) 21:49, 2 October 2017 (PDT)

Katie Wright's Responses

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Simon Wroblewski's Responses Week 4

  1. Based on these readings:
    • Did you code in a language for this assignment?
      • Yes, I coded in HTML, CSS, and wiki for this assignment.
    • Did you use a standard library?
      • No, I believe I remembered all of the syntax we used in our webpage.
    • Do you understand what Paul Ford meant about coders being “angry?”
      • Yes, I think Paul Ford meant that coders think and speak on very efficient, quick, and sometimes harsh levels. However, when coders start sharing their thoughts at this level, they start to come to complex decisions faster, because they were able to process everyones opinions in a very efficient way. This characteristic (that most coders have) allows them to be quick and efficient, but also come across as rude and angry much of the time.
  2. How similar or different do you think Tim Berners-Lee’s original vision for The World-Wide Web is from today’s web? State ways where you think today’s web is better, and today’s web is worse.
    • In my opinion, I think Tim Berners-Lee did a great job at defining the web because his definition is still applicable today. The web is still open, free, and accessible; the same way Tim Berners-Lee foresaw it which I think would make him proud. Although some aspects have not changed, others have profoundly. The complexity of the web has definitely gotten more daunting since the time of Tim Berners-Lee. This complexity that the web procured over time has allowed for numerous advantages and disadvantages to occur. Disadvantages such as a vulnerability to identity theft, (or any theft of information for that matter). Although some complexities added more things to be wary of while online, these complexities were also the reason we can use applications like slack and amazon, which are just some of the advantages.
  3. Out of the four databases you accessed for this assignment (SGD itself, NCBI Gene Database, Ensembl, UniProt), which did you like the best, and why? Which did you like the least, and why? (Refer back to the question about differences in content or presentation that you noted on your gene's web page.)
    • I definitely liked SGD the best because it provided the most information about our gene's function, process, history, and other interactions. I would have to say Ensembl was my least favorite database that we used due to its text heavy presentation style.

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Simonwro120 (talk) 23:57, 25 September 2017 (PDT)

Simon Wroblewski's Responses Week 5

  1. Out of the listed competencies, I would have to say I'm most skilled and familiar with "Data Visualization". I would argue it is because I grew up with two parents as doctors who describe biological systems using vivid imagery, in addition to me being a naturally visual learner (as opposed to auditory or tactile kinesthetic).
  2. I'd like to learn more about "Data Analysis" because I love picking complex systems apart so that I may achieve a more full understanding of the world around me.

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Simonwro120 (talk) 19:34, 2 October 2017 (PDT)

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