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#'''Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?'''
#'''Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?'''
#'''Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?'''
#'''Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?'''

Revision as of 20:40, 2 October 2019


John Nimmers-Minor's Responses

Biological Databases
Assignment Table

Week Number Assignment Page Individual Journal Shared Journal
1 Week 1 Assignment Page N/A Week 2 Shared Journal
2 Week 2 Assignment Page Week 2 Individual Journal Week 2 Shared Journal
3 Week 3 Assignment Page CMR2/YOR093C Week 3 Week 3 Shared Journal
4 Week 4 Assignment Page Week 4 Individual Journal Week 4 Shared Journal
5 Week 5 Assignment Page CRISPRlnc Week 5 Week 5 Shared Journal
6 Week 6 Assignment Page Week 6 Individual Journal Week 6 Shared Journal
7 Week 7 Assignment Page Week 7 Individual Journal Week 7 Shared Journal
8 Week 8 Assignment Page Week 8 Individual Journal Week 8 Shared Journal
9 Week 9 Assignment Page Week 9 Individual Journal Week 9 Shared Journal
10 Week 10 Assignment Page Week 10 Individual Journal Week 10 Shared Journal
11 Week 11 Assignment Page Week 11 Individual Journal Sulfiknights Team Page
12/13 Week 12/13 Assignment Page Week 12/13 Individual Journal Sulfiknights Team Page
14 Week 14 Assignment Page Week 14 Individual Journal Week 14 Shared Journal
15 Week 15 Assignment Page Week 15 Individual Journal Week 15 Shared Journal

Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?

I feel that my most skilled competencies are Discovery and Acquisition of Data and Ethics, including the citation of data. Data acquisition comes from experience,many hours of searching through databases and websites in the pursuit of finding what you're looking for. Using certain keywords, more or less detail in your search, and having particularly reliable resources that you can default to in times of need are all ways to make the discovery and acquisition of data much easier. Ethics and citation is a very important competency to have, and so I was forced to learn it very early on in regard to my education/studies. Being cognoscente of every bit of information that you've used to help write a paper/presentation/any form of public writing is a major step in becoming more familiar with the practice. Personally, I got myself into a habit of creating and adding citations while I wrote in order to avoid any problems with forgetting sources of information or media, and I found that it made citation as a whole much easier and it practically eliminated the chances of plagiarizing, whether purposefully or accidentally.

Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?

I would love to know more about Data Conversion and Quality Assurance at some point. The first of the two I would like to learn more about because there are many situations in which data is difficult to access based on it's storage type/format and so while I may be able to access it on one computer with the necessary applications/capabilities, the same cannot be said about trying to do the same with a second computer (at school, in a library, etc.). I feel that knowing more about data conversion may help me get around those certain problems. As for Quality Assurance, I feel that keeping my technology and information safe is crucial in this current age of technology. Quality Assurance would teach me to keep files and information safe and secure from future issues that could corrupt or be made incomplete in some way or fashion, and I find that very important.

Christina Dominguez's Response

User Page

template: cdomin12

Assignment Page Individual Journal Entries Class Journal
Week 1 cdomin12 Week 1 Class Journal Week 1
Week 2 cdomin12 Week 2 Class Journal Week 2
Week 3 RAD53 / YPL153C Week 3 Class Journal Week 3
Week 4 cdomin12 Week 4 Class Journal Week 4
Week 5 IMG/VR Week 5 Class Journal Week 5
Week 6 cdomin12 Week 6 Class Journal Week 6
Week 7 cdomin12 Week 7 Class Journal Week 7
Week 8 cdomin12 Week 8 Class Journal Week 8
Week 9 cdomin12 Week 9 Class Journal Week 9
Week 10 cdomin12 Week 10 Class Journal Week 10
Week 11 cdomin12 Week 11 Skinny Genes
Week 12/13 Skinny Genes Quality Assurance Skinny Genes
Week 15 Skinny Genes Deliverables Skinny Genes

Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?

1. Ethics, including citation of data- I work for the Graduate Admissions office and work with sensitive database that contains personal and private information about applications. I understand the ethical aspect of keeping data private and secured in terms of not sharing it.

2.Data preservation- I try to emphasize organization in my work and feel that it has helped me to be skilled in this competencies when working with data especially in my research.

Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?

1. Quality Assurance- This is an important competency for me to learn as it is crucial to know the accuracy and validity of the data at hand.

2. Databases and Data Formats- This is fundamental to the discipline and I would like to know more confidently about how to query relational databases.

Cdomin12 (talk) 22:05, 26 September 2019 (PDT)

Iliana Crespin's Responses

Icrespin User Page

Assignment Page Individual Journal Entry Shared Journal Entry
Week 1 Icrespin Journal Week 1 Class Journal Week 1
Week 2 Icrespin Journal Week 2 Class Journal Week 2
Week 3 ILT1/YDR090C Week 3 Class Journal Week 3
Week 4 Icrespin Journal Week 4 Class Journal Week 4
Week 5 RNAct Week 5 Class Journal Week 5
Week 6 Icrespin Journal Week 6 Class Journal Week 6
Week 7 Icrespin Journal Week 7 Class Journal Week 7
Week 8 Icrespin Journal Week 8 Class Journal Week 8
Week 9 Icrespin Journal Week 9 Class Journal Week 9
Week 10 Icrespin Journal Week 10 Class Journal Week 10
Week 11 Icrespin Journal Week 11 FunGals
Week 12/13 Icrespin Journal Week 12/13 FunGals
Week 15 Icrespin Journal Week 15 FunGals
  1. Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
  2. Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?

Aby's Response

Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?

  • I feel most familiar with the core values of Ethics in regards to how properly cite sources and understanding intellectual property. Given that this value is shared across almost all of my classes throughout my college career, I have been exposed to the necessity of acknowledging other people's work when creating my own papers, journals, and wiki pages.
  • I am also familiar with Data Conversion since I have been required to convert documents that I have created into different formats for certain classes. Many of the courses I have taken have required me to convert Word documents into PDF's or to understand how to download certain files in a format that is compatible with my laptop.

Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?

  • I am interested in learning more about Data Sets becuase it seems applicable towards how I protect the data that I store on my own laptop.
  • I am also interested understanding Data Visualization better becuase it is a core competency that seems to encourage creativity in how we construct, store, and present data.

Ymesfin (talk) 22:54, 1 October 2019 (PDT)

Michael Armas' Response

Michael Armas' User Page
Weekly Pages Individual Journals Shared Journals
Week 1 Individual Journal Week 1 Class Journal Week 1
Week 2 Individual Journal Week 2 Class Journal Week 2
Week 3 Individual Journal Week 3 Class Journal Week 3
Week 4 Individual Journal Week 4 Class Journal Week 4
Week 5 Individual Journal Week 5 Class Journal Week 5
Week 6 Individual Journal Week 6 Class Journal Week 6
Week 7 Individual Journal Week 7 Class Journal Week 7
Week 8 Individual Journal Week 8 Class Journal Week 8
Week 9 Individual Journal Week 9 Class Journal Week 9
Week 10 Individual Journal Week 10 Class Journal Week 10
Week 11 Individual Journal Week 11 Class Journal Week 11
Week 12/13 Individual Journal Week 12/13 Class Journal Week 12/13
Week 15 Individual Journal Week 15 Class Journal Week 15

Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?

  1. Discovery and Acquisition of Data
    • I consider myself to be very good at the discovery and acquisition of data. When it comes to searching for references for papers or presentations, or when finding information just about a general topic, I am proficient in knowing what to search for and where to search for it. Additionally, I am very judgmental of the sources of information out on the internet. Therefore, I tend to check credibility of my sources by searching authors or corporations that are responsible for presenting this information. Thus, I can say that I am confident with where my information came from when I finish my work or project.
  2. Ethics, including citation of data
    • I find that the ethics of scientific writing is very important to the scientific community. Specifically, the ethics of intellectual property are important to maintain, as the guidelines for stealing intellectual property are based on and derived from ethics. When citing sources, I understand the importance of providing as much information as possible (according to the specific citation format). With the technology available today, citing sources has never been easier, and not to mention more important. If an author is not careful, a mistake can be mistaken as plagiarism, and the community can look down on them. I understand the importance of this issue and strive to practice the ethics of the scientific community.

Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?

  1. Quality Assurance
    • I understand that quality assurance is a very important field of practice when considering a lab environment. However, it's not often that I think about how it is important to the field of computational biology. The curation of data is important, and if the quality is lacking, then the project will look poor as well. As I am very interested in QA as a future career, it would be interesting to look into how it can be applied to other fields of study as well.
  2. Metadata
    • The idea of metadata is mostly unknown to me. I understand the prefix "meta-" and how it can be applied to data, but I don't necessarily understand the importance. I have heard plenty of things about metadata, but I'm not exactly sure what it is used for. Additionally, I am not fully confident of what exactly constitutes metadata. However, I am very curious to learn more about this field.

Jonar Cowan's Response

Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?

  • Data Analysis is something I am familiar with. When growing up I was accustomed to having to look up information for my family or whenever my mother asks for information about a topic. I was very argumentative as a child, so I always looked up information and analyzed the data to disprove my mother's understanding on each given topic or subject.
  • Data Visualization is something I feel that I am most skilled at. I feel I became relatively competent at understanding the use of visuals when I was younger because I find it difficult for myself to understand by reading. Visual stimulation is something that I have become familiar with growing up because I am a hands-on learner and I tend to get more confused at reading long texts.

Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?

  • Discovery and Acquisition of Data is something that I would like to learn more about because of the ability to find good support and evidence. Being about to cite appropriate and accurate data is really important in terms of reputation and the content of a person's work. I feel having this particular skill is needed, especially with new discoveries. Many people fail to properly find data and end up using inaccurate information due to their lack of understanding.
  • Data Conversion and Interoperability is another core competency that I feel is very important and I want to learn more about. Being about to move data from a program, source, website, etc. is very important to be able to properly share data with ease because if new findings were difficult to share then new information could be lost. The computers need to be able to understand the data coming in to be able to relate to other findings or else important data could be lost due to improper labeling or thrown away because of an error in the conversion of data.

Jcowan4 (talk) 19:11, 2 October 2019 (PDT)

Assignment Individual Journal Shared Journal
Week 1 jcowan4 Class Journal Week 1
Week 2 jcowan4 Journal Week 2 Class Journal Week 2
Week 3 FAS2 Week 3 Class Journal Week 3
Week 4 jcowan4 Journal Week 4 Class Journal Week 4
Week 5 iDog Week 5 Class Journal Week 5
Week 6 jcowan4 Journal Week 6 Class Journal Week 6
Week 7 jcowan4 Journal Week 7 Class Journal Week 7
Week 8 jcowan4 Journal Week 8 Class Journal Week 8
Week 9 jcowan4 Journal Week 9 Class Journal Week 9
Week 10 jcowan4 Journal Week 10 Class Journal Week 10
Week 11 jcowan4 Journal Week 11 Skinny Genes
Week 12/13 Skinny Genes Quality Assurance Skinny Genes
Week 15 jcowan4 Journal Week 15 Class Journal Week 15

Misc. Links

Ivy Macaraeg's Response

  1. Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
    • Databases and Data Formats- I have some experience with downloading data from previous classes, specifically labs, that require research data to be used. Additionally, we have practiced with downloading and viewing data from databases in class recently.
    • Metadata- I have used metadata in previous classes and in research to compile summaries of what I have learned or to simply no more about data.
  2. Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?
    • Data Visualization- I think it would be interesting to know what goes behind the presentation of data. Usually, you have a button that just says "Download" to acquire the data, but I would like to know the steps, if there are multiple, ways of putting that on screen. I think it would also be interesting to know if there were multiple ways of presenting this data creatively.
    • Cultures of Practice- I've never thought of databases as having a sort of culture or etiquette. I would like to know more about what this means for curators as well as what it would mean for a user.

Imacarae (talk) 19:30, 2 October 2019 (PDT) Imacarae's User Page

Assignment Shared Entries Individual Entries
Week 1 Class Journal Week 1 ----
Week 2 Class Journal Week 2 Imacarae Week 2
Week 3 Class Journal Week 3 HSF1/YGL073W Week 3
Week 4 Class Journal Week 4 Imacarae Week 4
Week 5 Class Journal Week 5 CancerSEA Week 5
Week 6 Class Journal Week 6 Imacarae Week 6
Week 7 Class Journal Week 7 Imacarae Week 7
Week 8 Class Journal Week 8 Imacarae Week 8
Week 9 Class Journal Week 9 Imacarae Week 9
Week 10 Class Journal Week 10 Imacarae Week 10
Week 11 Sulfiknights Imacarae Week 11
Week 12/13 Sulfiknights Sulfiknights DA Week 12/13
---- Sulfiknights Sulfiknights DA Week 14

Kaitlyn Nguyen's Response

  1. Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
    • Data Analysis: Through out my life, but more specifically in college, I've learned to analyze data following experiments and interpret them, whether that be to find the correlation between two or more things or quantitative/qualitative and conceptual data.
    • Ethics, including citations of data: In my first year at Loyola Marymount University, I took a course on the Philosophy of Ethics in Science and Engineering. Through that course, I was able to understand the importance of maintaining an ethical workspace for not only a person or persons' wellbeing, but creating an environment that allows for scientific data to be shared while avoiding plagiarism and/or piracy.
  2. Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?
    • While I noticed most of these core competencies "bounce off of eachother," the two that are the most intriguing to learn more about are Quality Assurance and Data Curation and Re-use. I've heard these terms before, but I've never dove deep in truly understanding what they mean or how to use them correctly. Learning the technology and the skillset behind curating data would be very useful for my own personal experiments I may encounter in the future.

Knguye66 (talk) 19:54, 2 October 2019 (PDT) Template:knguye66

Naomi Tesfaiohannes's Responses

Bio DB Home page


Week 1


Class Journal Week 1

Week 2

Ntesfaio Week 2

Class Journal Week 2

Week 3

RAD53 / YPL153C Week 3

Class Journal Week 3

Week 4

Ntesfaio Week 4

Class Journal Week 4

Week 5

DrugCentral Week 5

Class Journal Week 5

Week 6

Ntesfaio Week 6

Class Journal Week 6

Week 7

Ntesfaio Week 7

Class Journal Week 7

Week 8

Ntesfaio Week 8

Class Journal Week 8

Week 9

Ntesfaio Week 9

Class Journal Week 9

Week 10

Ntesfaio Week 10

Week 11

Ntesfaio Week 11


Week 12/13

Ntesfaio Week 12/13


Sulfiknights Deliverables

Ntesfaio Week 15

Ntesfaio Final Individual Reflection

Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?

1. Ethics, including citation of data.

Understanding intellectual property, privacy, and the ethos of the discipline around sharing and citing data.

After working on citations every week I feel more comfortable with proper formatting as well as making sure to cite whatever work I am using. The ethos of citing other people's data is really to give the recognition they deserve for their contributions and not make the misguiding assumption that the work was done by myself when used in my own work. This is becoming more familiar to me throughout this course since we work a lot with using other databases and sources and have learned the proper way of acknowledging someone else's work.

2. Data Management and Organization

Understanding the lifecycle of data, and use data management plans to track subsets of processed data.

I believe data management was greatly done when interpreting different databases. For example, in this week's individual journal assignment we had to navigate our way through a new database that was not discussed in class yet. After doing this we make a presentation on the database, requiring for an organization of the information being presented. This skill was very useful when leading the class through a demo during our presentation. Having a clear understanding of the layout and options on the database made for a smooth presentation.

Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?

1. Quality Assurance

Use metadata and screening procedures to recognize artifacts, incompletion, or corruption of data sets.

I don't believe we have done much of this yet. We more so have been using our skills to make information more organized and understandable. I think Quality Assurance can become handy in the real work, especially for large companies like Facebook or ever companies that may be at threat of having false advertisements in the public. Quality Assurance seems to be a security measure that can be used to protect information and also ensure that the right information is presented to the general public.

2. Data Curation and Re-use

Recognize the role of curation throughout the data lifecycle in its value in effective reuse of data

I never really thought of the re-use of data. I always thought of databases constantly updating with new information. I am curious to know what data exactly can be reused. Does this include data on people? For example, with Facebook, are birthday reminds re-used data collections that appear once a year? I'm interested in understanding what exactly is used in this situation and how it is tapped into.

Ntesfaio (talk) 20:19, 2 October 2019 (PDT)

David Ramirez's Responses

User:Dramir36 template:Dramir36 Skinny Genes

  • Week 1
Week 1
Class Journal Week 1
  • Week 2
Week 2
Class Journal Week 2
Dramir36 Week 2
  • Week 3
Week 3
Class Journal Week 3
CDC28/YBR160W Week 3
  • Week 4
Week 4
Class Journal Week 4
Dramir36 Week 4
  • Week 5
Week 5
Class Journal Week 5
CRISPRlnc Group Journal
  • Week 6
Week 6
Class Journal Week 6
Dramir36 Week 6
  • Week 7
Week 7
Class Journal Week 7
Dramir36 Week 7
  • Week 8
Week 8
Class Journal Week 8
Dramir36 Week 8
  • Week 9
Week 9
Class Journal Week 9
Dramir36 Week 9
  • Week 10
Week 10
Class Journal Week 10
Dramir36 Week 10
  • Week 11
Week 11
Dramir36 Week 11
  • Week 12/13
Week 12/13
Dramir36 Week 12/13
  • Week 14
  • Week 15

1. Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?

2. Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?

Marcus Avila's Response

  1. Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
  2. Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?


User Page


Assignment Page Individual Journal Entry Class Journal Entry
Week 1 Week 1 (User page) Shared Journal Week 1
Week 2 Mavila9 Week 2 Shared Journal Week 2
Week 3 Gene Page Week 3 Shared Journal Week 3
Week 4 Journal Entry Page Week 4 Shared Journal Week 4
Week 5 RNAct Database Page Week 5 Shared Journal Week 5
Week 6 Journal Entry Page Week 6 Shared Journal Week 6
Week 7 Journal Entry Page Week 7 Shared Journal Week 7
Week 8 Journal Entry Page Week 8 Shared Journal Week 8
Week 9 Journal Entry Page Week 9 Shared Journal Week 9
Week 10 Journal Entry Page Week 10 Shared Journal Week 10
Week 11 Sulfiknights Team Page Shared Journal Week 10
Journal Entry Page Week 11
Week 12/13 Journal Entry Page Week 12 Shared Journal Week 11
Week 12/13 Sulfiknights DA Week 12/13 Shared Journal Week 12
N/A Sulfiknights DA Week 14