Class Journal Week 8

From LMU BioDB 2019
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David Ramirez's Response

User:Dramir36 template:Dramir36 Skinny Genes

  • Week 1
Week 1
Class Journal Week 1
  • Week 2
Week 2
Class Journal Week 2
Dramir36 Week 2
  • Week 3
Week 3
Class Journal Week 3
CDC28/YBR160W Week 3
  • Week 4
Week 4
Class Journal Week 4
Dramir36 Week 4
  • Week 5
Week 5
Class Journal Week 5
CRISPRlnc Group Journal
  • Week 6
Week 6
Class Journal Week 6
Dramir36 Week 6
  • Week 7
Week 7
Class Journal Week 7
Dramir36 Week 7
  • Week 8
Week 8
Class Journal Week 8
Dramir36 Week 8
  • Week 9
Week 9
Class Journal Week 9
Dramir36 Week 9
  • Week 10
Week 10
Class Journal Week 10
Dramir36 Week 10
  • Week 11
Week 11
Dramir36 Week 11
  • Week 12/13
Week 12/13
Dramir36 Week 12/13
  • Week 14
  • Week 15
  1. What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?
    • The easiest part of the assignment was computing the averages of each time point in the excel worksheet. Finding the average was the easiest to understand because I understood what the function meant.
  2. What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?
    • The most challenging was filtering the p-values from smallest to largest, then ranking them. After ranking them, the filter had to be taken off, and for some reason it was difficult to copy data in the correct order to the other excel worksheet without mixing up the data.
  3. What (yet) do you not understand?
    • I still have a little confusion to what a p value that is greater than 0.05 means. I also do not fully understand what each part of the formulas that were inserted into the excel really mean. For example, I don't know what "ss" means in one of the headings of the table.

Dramir36 (talk) 23:45, 23 October 2019 (PDT)

Kaitlyn Nguyen's Response

  1. What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?
    • The aspect that came the easiest to me was inputting the data into the excel worksheet, as well as, code the different equations into the columns.
  2. What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?
    • The most challenging aspect of this assignment was uploading the data online, reformatting it, and remembering to upload any new, updated files onto the existing entry file name.
  3. What (yet) do you not understand?
    • For this week's assignment, I have done all the listed activities asked. However, the one part I do not understand now is how and where to start analyzing the data.

User Page


Template Page


Table of all assignments and journal entries for BIO-367-01

Week Individual Journal Entry Shared Journal
Week 1 - Class Journal Week 1
Week 2 knguye66 Week 2 Class Journal Week 2
Week 3 ILT1/YDR090C Week 3 Class Journal Week 3
Week 4 knguye66 Week 4 Class Journal Week 4
Week 5 DrugCentral Week 5 Class Journal Week 5
Week 6 knguye66 Week 6 Class Journal Week 6
Week 7 knguye66 Week 7 Class Journal Week 7
Week 8 knguye66 Week 8 Class Journal Week 8
Week 9 knguye66 Week 9 Class Journal Week 9
Week 10 knguye66 Week 10 Class Journal Week 10
Week 11 knguye66 Week 11 FunGals
Week 12/13 knguye66 Eyoung20 Week 12/13 FunGals
Week 15 knguye66 Eyoung20 Week 15 Class Journal Week 15

Knguye66 (talk) 16:28, 23 October 2019 (PDT)

Christina Dominguez's Response

User Page

template: cdomin12

Assignment Page Individual Journal Entries Class Journal
Week 1 cdomin12 Week 1 Class Journal Week 1
Week 2 cdomin12 Week 2 Class Journal Week 2
Week 3 RAD53 / YPL153C Week 3 Class Journal Week 3
Week 4 cdomin12 Week 4 Class Journal Week 4
Week 5 IMG/VR Week 5 Class Journal Week 5
Week 6 cdomin12 Week 6 Class Journal Week 6
Week 7 cdomin12 Week 7 Class Journal Week 7
Week 8 cdomin12 Week 8 Class Journal Week 8
Week 9 cdomin12 Week 9 Class Journal Week 9
Week 10 cdomin12 Week 10 Class Journal Week 10
Week 11 cdomin12 Week 11 Skinny Genes
Week 12/13 Skinny Genes Quality Assurance Skinny Genes
Week 15 Skinny Genes Deliverables Skinny Genes

What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?

Working with the excel file came most easiest for me. Since I have experience with excel, I found that it helped me to be able to navigate the data and keep organized with new calculations and formulas.

What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?

The STEM program was most challenging since it is a new program I have never worked with before. I had an error page the first time I tried to "evaluate" it, but I eventually was able to troubleshoot and solve the issue.

What (yet) do you not understand?

I do not understand the results of STEM, but I am sure after more familiarity I will.

Cdomin12 (talk) 22:22, 22 October 2019 (PDT)

Naomi Tesfaiohannes's Response

What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?

The easiest part of this assignment was making the columns and expanding the function values in excel. This was easiest because of the previous work we have been doing with excel. This assignment built on the basic instructions we have followed so far.

What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?

Using the filters. I would follow the instruction and turn the filter on but then leaving it on would change the values I get for the next step. I was unclear when to turn it on and off.

What (yet) do you not understand?

The profiles of STEM. It seems to have a separate place in this assignment. What do the different colors and charts represent?

Ntesfaio (talk) 11:03, 23 October 2019 (PDT) Bio DB Home page


Week 1


Class Journal Week 1

Week 2

Ntesfaio Week 2

Class Journal Week 2

Week 3

RAD53 / YPL153C Week 3

Class Journal Week 3

Week 4

Ntesfaio Week 4

Class Journal Week 4

Week 5

DrugCentral Week 5

Class Journal Week 5

Week 6

Ntesfaio Week 6

Class Journal Week 6

Week 7

Ntesfaio Week 7

Class Journal Week 7

Week 8

Ntesfaio Week 8

Class Journal Week 8

Week 9

Ntesfaio Week 9

Class Journal Week 9

Week 10

Ntesfaio Week 10

Week 11

Ntesfaio Week 11


Week 12/13

Ntesfaio Week 12/13


Sulfiknights Deliverables

Ntesfaio Week 15

Ntesfaio Final Individual Reflection

Iliana Crespin's Responses

Icrespin User Page

Assignment Page Individual Journal Entry Shared Journal Entry
Week 1 Icrespin Journal Week 1 Class Journal Week 1
Week 2 Icrespin Journal Week 2 Class Journal Week 2
Week 3 ILT1/YDR090C Week 3 Class Journal Week 3
Week 4 Icrespin Journal Week 4 Class Journal Week 4
Week 5 RNAct Week 5 Class Journal Week 5
Week 6 Icrespin Journal Week 6 Class Journal Week 6
Week 7 Icrespin Journal Week 7 Class Journal Week 7
Week 8 Icrespin Journal Week 8 Class Journal Week 8
Week 9 Icrespin Journal Week 9 Class Journal Week 9
Week 10 Icrespin Journal Week 10 Class Journal Week 10
Week 11 Icrespin Journal Week 11 FunGals
Week 12/13 Icrespin Journal Week 12/13 FunGals
Week 15 Icrespin Journal Week 15 FunGals
  • What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?
    • The sanity check was pretty easy to do. It is using the same auto filter as other parts of the assignment, so it wasn't challenging to do.
  • What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?
    • It was difficult having to update the current version to wiki. It is easy following the steps of uploading and keeping the same name. However, it is odd how the link that is uploaded tends to be the outdated version and not the new one.
  • What (yet) do you not understand?
    • When using STEM, I need a better understanding of the software in general. Icrespin (talk) 22:36, 23 October 2019 (PDT)

John Nimmers-Minor's Response

Biological Databases
Assignment Table

Week Number Assignment Page Individual Journal Shared Journal
1 Week 1 Assignment Page N/A Week 2 Shared Journal
2 Week 2 Assignment Page Week 2 Individual Journal Week 2 Shared Journal
3 Week 3 Assignment Page CMR2/YOR093C Week 3 Week 3 Shared Journal
4 Week 4 Assignment Page Week 4 Individual Journal Week 4 Shared Journal
5 Week 5 Assignment Page CRISPRlnc Week 5 Week 5 Shared Journal
6 Week 6 Assignment Page Week 6 Individual Journal Week 6 Shared Journal
7 Week 7 Assignment Page Week 7 Individual Journal Week 7 Shared Journal
8 Week 8 Assignment Page Week 8 Individual Journal Week 8 Shared Journal
9 Week 9 Assignment Page Week 9 Individual Journal Week 9 Shared Journal
10 Week 10 Assignment Page Week 10 Individual Journal Week 10 Shared Journal
11 Week 11 Assignment Page Week 11 Individual Journal Sulfiknights Team Page
12/13 Week 12/13 Assignment Page Week 12/13 Individual Journal Sulfiknights Team Page
14 Week 14 Assignment Page Week 14 Individual Journal Week 14 Shared Journal
15 Week 15 Assignment Page Week 15 Individual Journal Week 15 Shared Journal

What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?

  • Following the instructions in order to create the Excel sheet and run the logarithmic data was very simple for me.

What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?

  • Finding certain aspects of the database organizing the database as a whole was pretty challenging because one wrong mistake messes up so much of your data and with so many cells in the Excel sheet, it's easy to mess something up.

What (yet) do you not understand?

  • The STEM application and what the data all represents is something that I'd like to understand further if I'm expected to become proficient in utilizing the application for this class.

Jnimmers (talk) 23:56, 23 October 2019 (PDT)

Aby Mesfin's Response

What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?

Filtering the data for significant p values was relatively easy for me becuase Excel's layout was more user friendly for this particular program.

What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?

Using excel to calculate the p values was challenging because of how easily one little mistake made early in the procedure could have bad downstream effects. I had to redo parts of the calculations becuase the functions I was inputting into the cells was incorrect.

What (yet) do you not understand?

I still do not understand what the connection and purpose of the STEM software is in relation to analyzing the significance of the data.

Ymesfin (talk) 01:45, 23 October 2019 (PDT)

Main Page


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Skinny Genes

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Michael Armas' Responses

Michael Armas' User Page
Weekly Pages Individual Journals Shared Journals
Week 1 Individual Journal Week 1 Class Journal Week 1
Week 2 Individual Journal Week 2 Class Journal Week 2
Week 3 Individual Journal Week 3 Class Journal Week 3
Week 4 Individual Journal Week 4 Class Journal Week 4
Week 5 Individual Journal Week 5 Class Journal Week 5
Week 6 Individual Journal Week 6 Class Journal Week 6
Week 7 Individual Journal Week 7 Class Journal Week 7
Week 8 Individual Journal Week 8 Class Journal Week 8
Week 9 Individual Journal Week 9 Class Journal Week 9
Week 10 Individual Journal Week 10 Class Journal Week 10
Week 11 Individual Journal Week 11 Class Journal Week 11
Week 12/13 Individual Journal Week 12/13 Class Journal Week 12/13
Week 15 Individual Journal Week 15 Class Journal Week 15

What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?

  • Using MS Excel came the easiest to me. I understand how to use simple functions, and the new ones I learned to use during this assignment were simple enough to use without instruction. Even writing conditional statements comes naturally so I had no real struggle with this part.

What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?

  • Sometimes it was somewhat hard to follow the step-by-step procedure. This was mostly due to me getting lost in each step, and skipping a step or overlooking a key word or phrase. This would make the following steps more difficult and led to plenty of confusion. However, with Excel, fixing the data is done quickly so mistakes were fixed easily before moving onto the next step.

What (yet) do you not understand?

  • I'm not too familiar with the STEM software and what it is analyzing. The results that were obtained were small line plots that were impossible to decipher. Labeling was minimal, and I was unable to understand what the colored graphs meant. However, I am confident that understanding the data will come easy in the upcoming weeks.

Marmas (talk) 20:19, 23 October 2019 (PDT)

Mihir Samdarshi' Response

What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?

I was familiar with this aspect of the lab's data processing pipeline, having done it before. I think that the easiest part was being able to recognize why we were doing each calculations, and because I knew why, I was able to be sure that the formulas I was inputting was correct. I was also able to help others with calculations because of my previous experience as well.

What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?

I think the most challenging aspect of this assignment was being sure that my data was accurate after inputting the formulas, and also maintaining the cells' data type. Often, the data type would switch and I would not have the right values. Overall, however, I was not as challenged as some of my peers while conducting the data processing.

What (yet) do you not understand?

I think that I understand the purpose of every operation that we carry out on the data, as it was pretty well explained in class. My only question is if we have to do this for every single microarray experiment that the lab carries out, why not just write a simple script that can import all of this data and do all of the corrections for us?

Other Links

Mihir Samdarshi User Page
Assignment Pages Personal Journal Entries Shared Journal Entries
Week 1 Journal Week 1 Class Journal Week 1
Week 2 Journal Week 2 Class Journal Week 2
Week 3 FAS2/YPL231W Week 3 Class Journal Week 3
Week 4 Journal Week 4 Class Journal Week 4
Week 5 Database - AmtDB Class Journal Week 5
Week 6 Journal Week 6 Class Journal Week 6
Week 7 Journal Week 7 Class Journal Week 7
Week 8 Journal Week 8 Class Journal Week 8
Week 9 Journal Week 9 Class Journal Week 9
Assignment Pages Personal Journal Entries
Week 10 Journal Week 10
Week 11 Journal Week 11
Week 12/13 Journal Week 12/13
Team Project Links
Skinny Genes Team Page

Msamdars (talk) 20:21, 23 October 2019 (PDT)

Marcus Avila's Response


User Page


Assignment Page Individual Journal Entry Class Journal Entry
Week 1 Week 1 (User page) Shared Journal Week 1
Week 2 Mavila9 Week 2 Shared Journal Week 2
Week 3 Gene Page Week 3 Shared Journal Week 3
Week 4 Journal Entry Page Week 4 Shared Journal Week 4
Week 5 RNAct Database Page Week 5 Shared Journal Week 5
Week 6 Journal Entry Page Week 6 Shared Journal Week 6
Week 7 Journal Entry Page Week 7 Shared Journal Week 7
Week 8 Journal Entry Page Week 8 Shared Journal Week 8
Week 9 Journal Entry Page Week 9 Shared Journal Week 9
Week 10 Journal Entry Page Week 10 Shared Journal Week 10
Week 11 Sulfiknights Team Page Shared Journal Week 10
Journal Entry Page Week 11
Week 12/13 Journal Entry Page Week 12 Shared Journal Week 11
Week 12/13 Sulfiknights DA Week 12/13 Shared Journal Week 12
N/A Sulfiknights DA Week 14
  1. What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?
    • Using the various functions to make the inputs and organization of the data came most easy to me.
  2. What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?
    • I found it hardest to follow the small details. I sometimes had to troubleshoot errors because I forgot small detail, but eventually got everything to work out.
  3. What (yet) do you not understand?
    • I still don't have very good grasp about what the various corrections do to the original p-value.

Mavila9 (talk) 22:30, 23 October 2019 (PDT)

Ivy Macaraeg's Response

Imacarae's User Page

Assignment Shared Entries Individual Entries
Week 1 Class Journal Week 1 ----
Week 2 Class Journal Week 2 Imacarae Week 2
Week 3 Class Journal Week 3 HSF1/YGL073W Week 3
Week 4 Class Journal Week 4 Imacarae Week 4
Week 5 Class Journal Week 5 CancerSEA Week 5
Week 6 Class Journal Week 6 Imacarae Week 6
Week 7 Class Journal Week 7 Imacarae Week 7
Week 8 Class Journal Week 8 Imacarae Week 8
Week 9 Class Journal Week 9 Imacarae Week 9
Week 10 Class Journal Week 10 Imacarae Week 10
Week 11 Sulfiknights Imacarae Week 11
Week 12/13 Sulfiknights Sulfiknights DA Week 12/13
---- Sulfiknights Sulfiknights DA Week 14
  • What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?
    -The thing that was easiest to do in this assignment was follow directions. Although some of the navigation through excel was a little confusing, I think I was able to do what was asked in terms of inputing the data in the file and figuring out how to view that data.
  • What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?
    -The biggest challenge for me was viewing the data. It all looked overwhelming and confusing when I looked at the excel file, and it was sometimes frustrating to find what I wanted.
  • What (yet) do you not understand?
    -I have yet to still understand why (besides for the purposes of counting) we needed to analyze all genes within the strain, and not just the ones we desired to look at.

Imacarae (talk) 00:01, 24 October 2019 (PDT)

DeLisa Madere's Response

  1. What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?
    • I think what came most easily to me was using excel since I have previous experience with it.
  2. What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?
    • The most challenging aspect of this assignment was understanding why we were doing all these calculations. I was confused on what goal we were achieving through them.
  3. What (yet) do you not understand?
    • I still need clarification on the goal of performing this microarray data.

Dmadere (talk) 00:13, 24 October 2019 (PDT)

Emma Young's Response

Eyoung20 user page

Assignment pages Individual Journal Class Journal
week 1 Eyoung20 journal week 1 Class Journal Week 1
week 2 Eyoung20 journal week 2 Class Journal Week 2
week 3 ASP1/YDR321W Week 3 Class Journal Week 3
week 4 Eyoung20 journal week 4 Class Journal Week 4
week 5 Ancient mtDNA Week 5 Class Journal Week 5
week 6 Eyoung20 journal week 6 Class Journal Week 6
week 7 Eyoung20 journal week 7 Class Journal Week 7
week 8 Eyoung20 journal week 8 Class Journal Week 8
week 9 Eyoung20 journal week 9 Class Journal Week 9
week 10 Eyoung20 journal week 10 Class Journal Week 10
week 11 Eyoung20 journal week 11 FunGals
week 12/13 Knguye66 Eyoung20 Week 12/13 FunGals
week 15 Knguye66 Eyoung20 Week 15 FunGals
  1. What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?
    • Following the steps and uderstanding what we are supposed to be doing came the easiest for me.
  2. What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?
    • The most challenging aspect to this assignment was honestly finding the time within the past two days to complete it.
  3. What (yet) do you not understand?
    • I feel like I still do not fully understand how to interpret the statistical analysis.

Eyoung20 (talk) 00:19, 24 October 2019 (PDT)

Jonar Cowan's Response


  1. What aspect of this assignment came most easily to you?
    • I felt following the instructions and inputting data felt relatively easy.
  2. What aspect of this assignment was the most challenging for you?
    • The most challenging aspect to this assignment was the tedious procedures and being able to finish this.
  3. What (yet) do you not understand?
    • I do not understand how important the functionality of this works and why percentages are never exact.

Jcowan4 (talk) 13:38, 24 October 2019 (PDT)